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I diminish weeks I am in new house, rented, for the time being. Quandoentramos in an empty, new property or not, we jcomeamos to imagine what we can make to leave to aqualelugar of our skill. About many times we think about things a tantointangvel at the moment, as, Tvs Lcd, home to teather, one belotapete and satiated curtains in the walls to give a charm and to darken oambiente for our session of cinema. But in some casoso skill it is to make small alterations to eusar much, but much creativity. Paraisso, today exists many cheap possibilities to personalize umambiente e, one of the best altrnativas is the decorative adhesives. Interesting conferred Dem one below in some for rooms The girls adore butterflies For the gotten passionate ones, she gives to wing its love More wing its love The girls would adore to receive a gift thus and it does not wither in two days This is for the TV room goes to be very original This is for the thoughtful ones That such a message thus, in the headboard of the bed has not waked up me before the 10. That such an environment a little shadier It confers some adhesives for its house here