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The MTK determined compliance with the error limits of medical product. Evidence, that exceeded the maximum deviations or the medicine has been significantly modified or influenced, a measurement-technical control must take place. As for the technical safety control exist also for the MTK certain requirements and specifications to the examiner. Bodies that are active in the field of metrology are suitable for the MTK. The testing person must be through hands-on experience and training in the field of metrological control able to properly and proper control of medical technology.

Training completed by the investigator of the manufacturer of medical instruments is also advantage. Even with the MTK, the examiner of any instruction may be subject to. Another important condition is that the controlling person in the competent out is logged. The examiner must have all required measuring and test equipment. A documentation of all findings will take place also at the metrological control. These include the measured values used measurement procedures and the assessment results. The findings must be entered promptly in the medical product book.

Are the controlled measurements below the margin of error or they correspond to the reference values, the medical device can be equipped with a test badge. You determine the year and month of the next required inspection date. Required inspection plate with printed medical valid until “get also in the online shop of the brewes GmbH. VDE testing after Berufsgenossenschaftlicher regulation BGV A3 improper use and wear of electrical equipment in surgeries MTK lead to accidents. In recent years, however, the number of electrical accidents and fires could be reduced. One reason the accident prevention regulations are electrical systems and operating materials”(BGV A3). The medical devices exams before, after a repair, maintenance, or inspection, as well as in the form of regular retries. There are the various electric appliances, which are further subdivided for the VDE tests the practice rooms, waiting rooms and rest rooms.