- March 31st, 2019
- General
- Ted
For Caroline Esteves, Gabriel Rodrigo, Hugo Gustavo, Kethellen Fischer and Matheus Moreira. Years 60 had been marked by a flavor of innocence and even of strong feelings in the manifestations partner-cultural, and marked for music as: The Beatles, touching its surreais candies melodies of its first records including orchestras, letters and distorted guitars; Rolling Stones that had been considered one of the bands most important of the decade of 60, that it integrated diverse English artists in the North American stops and that decisively they had influenced in music pop and in the customs; Another great singer was Bob Dylan, that in 2004 was chosen by the magazine rollingstones as as better the artists of all the times, Bob Dylan also influenced very in the music of the time. Been born Robert Allen Zimmermann Bob Dylan, it is a myth of world-wide music, therefore through its songs of protests, they had changed the musical industry of the century. This was not enough, is author of sets of ten of songs whose letters are considered workmanships poetical, they have been adopted as hymns for generations and young movements e, from time to time, turn subject books, films and sets of documents. The true phenomenon of years 60 was the Beatles, formed for John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison. Although still very influenced for the rock of years 50 very held, however with the time they had been modifying its musical style daring each time more what he changedded himself into a world-wide fever the quatros boys of Liverpool had also changed the world with the young freedom that he reflects until today in the current days. Another band who if detached was Rolling Stones formed by Brian Jones, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and Charlie Watts. That blues touched its. With more than forty years of success, they had more made one of the known bands of the world, with several you criticize and problems with drugs and conflicts, throughout the road, but they had hindered them to nothing to more than vender two hundred million albums in its career. When we describe the musical scene of years 60, we see today how much poor if it sees the scene musical of Brazil and of World, saved rare exceptions, will be possible that it has 50 years music was more contemporary and of better quality of what century XXI? Where the alienation of the population makes the chaos of the recognition of the beautiful the only music.