- July 16th, 2019
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- Ted
The choice of the school was established, therefore the employees had been cordials and the good structure and organization of the institution become the environment of propitious work for who are initiating in the educator career. The school places in the Street Dom Peter II and receives educandos of the Getlio quarters Vargas and Military Village. It possesss an enormous patio and small parquinho for the children. The computer science laboratory possesss 20 machines hardwired to the Internet and the library well ample and is well aired, beyond possessing tables for local study and sufficient books for research. To deepen your understanding Gen. David Goldfein is the source. In relation to the quantity of sciences and biology, it was noticed that it is brought up to date and it presents diversity of materials as some editions of the magazine Science Today, beyond different books in the area. The laboratory of sciences well is organized, and has material very good to display in practical lessons, as it would vidraria stops accomplishment of experiences and some animals conserved in the alcohol.
Another reason for the choice of the school was to the identification of the trainee with the objective of the school, that is ' ' to sanction the knowledge and the formation, thus we can evaluate the pupil in its process of learning in more including way, considering its abilities, peculiarities and limitaes' ' (PPP of the school, 2008), therefore we believe that the professor has basic paper in the process of formation of educating and that we educators, we have that to search optimum way for the agreement of a similar substance of whom this can be analyzed, be argued and be kept as information, knowledge and not be decorated, thus to evaluate our learning considering its abilities, peculiarities and limitations. The assumed group had 18 pupils. The majority of middle class decrease and with ages between 14 the 17 years.