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Evident therefore that the Pedagogy of crucial Alternation is undoubtedly you the success and full development of the social field. Keywords: Education Field. Pedagogy of Alternation. Pedagogical Practices. 1 INTRODUCTION the education of the individual is mainly resulted of the cultural transmission, in this direction, is emphasized that the school must value the tradition and the cultural transmission. This must teach to the pupils on what the individual to have is permanent in the societies human beings preparing at the same time, knowledge to live in society and critical vision.

(BRANCH and HEIFER GRANDSON. 2010) Of this form, it is noticed mainly that in the education process, it is necessary to have a concern with the formation of the man, of the field, always preparing for some situations of the life. The recognition of that the people who live in the field have right to an education differentiated of that one offered who live in the cities are recent and innovative, and bring obtain the social notion that understands the cultural necessities, rights and the integral formation of these individuals, breaching the paradigm of that only the geographic localization would be the concern in formation of the agricultural populations. (BRAZIL, 2007) Thus, this article is product of the questionings regarding the Education of the Field and the Pedagogia de Alternncia while method of formation adjusted for this modality of education, in view of that it is necessary to think itself about an alternative that takes care of the necessities of the education in the field and for the field, of this objective form to understand and to take ownership of the perspectives of the pedagogia of pedagogical practical alternation while of Education of the Field. It is justified, in this manner, the importance of if making clear practical and the conceptions of Pedagogia of the Alternation that base the Education of the Field.

– Republic Democratic Sarau Arab does not have authority on the population in the fields of Tindouf, including the fields that are above of the Algerian territory. – He was never consulted people in the fields, and he does not have census of the number for the High Commissioner for Refugiados (ACNUR), although the apelos urgent and repeated international regular. Contact information is here: David A. Wagner. – Not available Democratic Republic Arab Sarau in the effective government, with true been administrative politician and, as it exists and is recognized in the international community, including the Democratic Saharaui Arab list of Republic, in another State, and as the leaders of the Democratic Republic Arab Saharaui passport trips Republic of Algeria. 3 – Why to participate of the Democratic Republic Arab Sarau for the Organization of illegal African Unit? – African Organization of Unit, and in compliance with the international law, compromised with these principles in 4 article of its Letter: ' ' Any independent State African, a sovereign to become a member of organizao.' ' This item means that independence and sovereignty are prerequisite to be member of the organization. To read more click here: WhiteWave Foods. Also he was enclosed in the first paragraph of article 28 of the Letter of the Organization. – The admission of the Arabs Democratic Republic Saharaui, in the scope of the African Organization of Unit, therefore, is resulted of a breaking instant of the Letter of the Organization, and the Letter of the ONU eo international law – the Democratic Republic Arab Sarau for the African Organization of Unit Types was the result of a series of defects and man deficiencies the admission, in the context of the acute trend enters the countries African between the Union pro-Soviets, led for Algeria and Lbia, Gaddafi, that they had exerted financially significant pressure diplomatics and, and has titillate solidarity with its encampment for winning the battle diplomatics in detriment of the law, and the nations pro-occidental people, including Morocco, who fixed the placed eyes legitimate right to complete independence and of the descolonizao.