- February 15th, 2020
- General
- Ted
The stories of the citizens indicated multiple determination to be desveladas so that positive changes could come to happen in the direction of this population and happened strong in the life of these citizens. I understood that the questions that involve this segment are very diversified, therefore in the streets we find inhabitants who are, are or are of the streets. Jill Schlesinger recognizes the significance of this. All are presented of diverse forms where, many are of the city and other proceeding ones from any part of the country. They possess different etrias bands, sorts, professions and escolaridades, also having between them individuals that possess level technician or superior course. The proposal of this research was also strengthened with readings, comments, research and reflections. Becoming bigger the possibility to observe the degree of complicity and the specific form with that these citizens if organize and search the meeting of a proper movement in the space of the streets. The gotten experience while trainee allowed the perfectioning of my look on this demand as well as, to evidence the lack of an attendance humanizado for great part of the public sectors that offer attendance. The mobility takes that them of a place for another one does not reflect the direction of transformation of the reality.
Many search this look extended in its direction and we do not know to the certainty as they will react or that attitudes will have to if to come across with offers concrete of chance that considers perspective of change of its reality. My fidgets go very beyond and try to supply the necessity to make of this research a preliminary study that first comes to contribute with the impulsionamento of the city of Guaruj for possibility of a deepening social theoretician-practical-politician and being objectified construction of one municipal public politics directed exclusively toward the attendance of the street population. Getting bigger contributivo knowledge to arise it of my investigations on the importance to search the life of this population I will have more possibilities of explanar the considered result. .