Thirty2 Degrees

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Then the samples were kept under natural conditions until constant weight. Prepared samples subjected to fire effect in a ceramic tube. For each of the four formulations was determined by the mass loss of the sample after firing on a standard temperature conditions (as the average of test results At least 10 samples) Mass loss of samples, protected compounds investigated after firing SostavSposob obrabotkiTolschina protective coatings, fire mmVremya impact minPoterya mass% (average of 10 samples) 23.6 2.4 22 1pokrytie1 2pokrytie1 22 24.7 3.1 22 24.2 2.9 3pokrytie1 4pokrytie1 22 23.2 1.9 Loss of mass of the samples to an average of 2-5%, which allows you to assign these flame retardants tested samples to a group of nonflammable. Also conducted tests the natural fire-retardant coating by burning a standard wooden house in terms of size 1,0 x1, 0 m were burned three cottages: naked, soaked in a solution of antipyrine and the house, protected by fire resistant vermiculite composition (thickness 1 – 2 mm). After Combustion 5 liters of kerosene in each of the first two houses completely burnt.

Cottage, covered with PCR-based vermiculite, after full combustion of kerosene has not undergone any visible change. The test results showed good fire-retardant coatings based on the quality of vermiculite. Thin-layer fire-retardant coating on the basis of the simplicity of vermiculite preparation of raw materials supply and maintenance of reliable fire protection of timber can solve more a fairly important task decoration surface of the protected timber. A specific property of decorative coatings and flame retardants vermiculite plaster is exposed shine colored plates of vermiculite on the surface of the coating in reflected light. Especially spectacular outdoor vermiculite plaster on a sunny day, but in the interior decoration with natural and artificial light they look pretty impressive.

For decorative plaster vermiculite is recommended to use white cement and alkali-resistant pigments (ocher, iron ocher, umber, etc.) in an amount of 5 – 25%. As the plasticizers Use air lime or other components. Decorative plaster on the quality of ordinary cement can also be quite high, but its color is usually not the color pigment used. Thus, for example, solutions with an iron minium are brown, with red ocher – a greenish-gray. Continue to learn more with: A. F. Chief of Staff . When injected into the cement plaster 5% pigment has a soft, pastel colors.