One of the reasons by that the proprietors of small businesses Web in line do not make money, is because, or they do not have a niche or objective market to which to aim, or simply do not have the knowledge in its place to create the type of flow of income that need. For example: – Some initiate a Web site, but they do not announce to obtain traffic. – Others, With a poor man contained in its site, that does not attract prospectuses, and they do not make anything to attract them. – Also there is quines create a Campaign in Google AdWords, with announcements but of bad quality, doing difficult to secure click to its site – Others try to optimize their site to obtain good ranking in the motors search, but they do not do it. Obvious, If to all the previous one, we added the stupidity to him of not knowing to who our services or products go dirijidos, (we do not have a niche of defined market), we fall the major of the failures of the majority of the new entrepreneurs in Internet, that are the one to begin to sell a product or service, before investigating who are and where their possible clients estan. The most important way stops to sell in line is to count on a niche. This means that it has a specific group of people to those who to sell its products or services. It can do it of many ways, including the selection of a specific sector on watch, in a determined geographic place, or choosing demographic but specific places. What happens when you do not have a place where to ofrecrer his products? Not only it will lose the approach, as far as where its company or product goes, but also that will not know how to commercialize his product.
- October 11th, 2013
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- Tags: news-last-minute, noticias-actualidad
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- Ted
The rains have been present this Saturday in several areas of Spain. The storm will give way to a new rise in thermometers. Only the Cantabrian area, Balearic Islands and Catalonia recorded any precipitation this Sunday. Galicia recorded decreases in temperatures in areas where the front has passed. Temperatures will again go up practically in the whole Peninsula, although rains have been present this Saturday in some areas of Spain, mainly in the eastern half and the Balearic Islands, due to a storm.
As explained the spokesperson of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET), Lola Olmeda, this Saturday a storm has shifted to the Mediterranean resulting in storms and showers. On the contrary, since this Sunday time greatly improves and thermometers will again climb on almost all Spain. Sunday comes the improvement on the other hand, Sunday will bring an improvement in all Spain that will only be affected in the Cantabrian area, where the front It began on Saturday will cause weak rainfall throughout the day. In addition, the storm will not leave Balearic Islands and Catalonia until this Sunday, which will cause any storm or strong downpour. In the rest of the Peninsula will have clear skies. Also, regarding the temperatures will drop in the area of the front that passed through Galicia, Cantabrian current, although they will rise in the rest of Spain. Source of the news: the temperatures climb after rain on Saturday again
- October 10th, 2013
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- Tags: news-articles, noticias-actualidad, noticias-reales
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Benedict XVI has visited the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, run by the Church. It ensures that society places in doubt the inestimable dignity of life. Several sick and disabled of the Center could converse with the Pontiff. Benedict XVI has been surrounded by this Saturday of the sick and disabled, children and young people who know the face of pain, and has told them that they are the image of God, their prridos, and that life is also great when it bursts into her suffering. The Pope has insisted that the society needs them because they contribute decisively to build the civilization of love, and while in that society too often put in doubt the inestimable dignity of life, of every life. He has been in a simple, spontaneous, emotionally intense ceremony held outdoors, under a sweltering heat, in the gardens of the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, which the brothers of San Juan de Dios hospital order run for more than one century. There, sick, family and workers of This humanitarian institution of the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Pontiff spoke of suffering, of the dignity of human life, created in the image of God, compassion and company. In short, love towards those who suffer most.
All them the Pope has expressed them his closeness and appreciation, reminding them of what you already said in his Encyclical on Christian hope: the greatness of humanity is essentially determined by its relationship with suffering and the suffering. For the Holy Father, a society that is unable to accept those who are suffering and is not able to contribute through compassion that suffering is shared and borne also inwardly, is a cruel and inhumane society. He wrote then and it has been to reiterate. Before, the cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, to welcome the Pope to this institution spoke of a moment, the current one, in which the Gospel of life is not understood by all.
- October 08th, 2013
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- Tags: news, noticias-actualidad
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The ancient building, which has never been open to the public, is the most popular monument of Saqara, the great necropolis of what was the city of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. Responsible for the restoration project, the archaeologist Samir Abdel Rauf, warned in statements to the Egyptian press that the suspension of work can result in loosening of the roofing of the pyramid blocks. He said that those stones were fixed on a temporary basis with the use of air pillows (brackets), and that requires a follow-up that there is a sudden drop, since the State of the pyramid before the start of the restoration was lousy. He also recalled the team of experts responsible for the rehabilitation of the Tomb worked under very harsh and dangerous, circumstances because they ran a serious risk of a block fell on them. For its part, the architectural plan and teacher supervisor of the University of Cairo, Hasan Fahmi, considered that the rescue of the step pyramid is a national project, by revenue from tourist visits to the place left in the Treasury.
The deterioration of the monument was due to climatic ctos, of environment and groundwater, as well as other human activities also have damaged it. Explosions in military camps and near Saqara quarries also contributed to mudslides in the pyramid, like previous restorations made without accurate studies, said Fahmi. The j of Egyptian antiquities, who replaced only a few weeks ago the controversial Zahi Hawass leading this key Department, concluded that the preservation of the archaeological monuments is the main priority of your institution. We will work vigorously to have the financial resources, despite the economic circumstances that we are going through. We do not want that the world and history judge us someday as negligent in the restoration of this ancient pyramid, said Abdel Maqsud. Source of the news: the lack of tourists is endangering the pyramid of Djoser, the oldest
- October 02nd, 2013
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- Tags: latest-news, noticias-actualidad
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- Ted
The International Monetary Fund, after seven long hours of negotiation with the EU, rejected in the early hours of yesterday releasing the funds of 12,000 million euros for aid to Greece. The Ministers of economy and Finance of the euro zone failed in the attempt to reach an agreement to supply to Greece the fifth tranche of aid committed in May 2010 and who should deliver at the end of June to avoid greater evils. The IMF requires as a condition for giving green light to these funds (in your case, 3.3 billion of the 12,000 in total) the commitment of the eurozone to launch a second rescue plan. In turn, only Germany is willing to participate in aid if the banks agree to pay part of the Bill, and if Athens approves finally new austerity measures. Markets have reacted today to the lack in accordance with sharp falls on the stock exchanges and an upsurge of pressure against the debt of Greece and the rest of the euro, among them Spain peripherals. Source of the news:: Salgado discards the contagion to Spain after the blocking of aid to Greece.