Thirty2 Degrees

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  • October 20th, 2016
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We believe that the learning of leituraliga for tradition to the process of global formation of the individual, to the suacapacitao for the conviviality and social performance, politics, economic and cultural. To know to read means to possess the bases of umaeducao adjusted for life, means to inquire about the world, being also umaforma to conquer autonomy. The reading is the bridge for the process educacionaleficiente. However, ‘ ‘ crisis of leitura’ ‘ it makes with that the tornemimpotentes educators if. For the majority of these educators this crisis is due to absence deleitura of written text, mainly books, since the reading in one sentidoabrangente is more or less is of cogitao.

Brazil, in terms of publications, distribution and sales of material printed matter, mainly books, very leaves to adesejar. How much the libraries, nor sefala. But it offers comes increasing, also accessible prices the layers maisamplas of the population. In Brazil a mobilization in lathe has all dofomento to the reading and acquisition of books. All this mobilization in lathe daleitura and of the book is more than what opportune: it is urgent. After all, the reading is muitomais of what a pertaining to school instrument.

It is a passport for the entrance in the culturaescrita. A full citizenship without the use of the reading is not conceived. lerna school is to read to insert in the society scholar. The reading is not only aapropriao of the act to read and to write; it involves the domain of a set deprticas cultural that involves an understanding of the different world of that one dosque does not have access to the reading. The reading has a paper so significant nasociedade that we can say that it creates new identities, new forms social deinsero, new ways to think and to act. It is to precisofacilitar and to promote the will to read. It is learned to read it, for also half innovative demtodos. However, most important it is to find sensible in the reading, the pleasure to read, to discover, to know that after a text never we are the same ones. Felt it can be what the text brings, of the discovery of that, that already it exists at the moment of the production-literal one, to understand different the maisvariados ones and sensible. The reading cannot be taken as something suffered, but yes as algotil, satisfactory, significant.

  • October 15th, 2016
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The concern in disponibilizar a chapter for the aboriginal toponymy is justified for the intention to present history with another look, of who it exactly observes everything that is in return, being spokesman, of that they had mainly not been able to count its history or that, existing, to the eyes of the others only had place for the invisibilidade. How much to the black, possibly for the condition of slave, if did not sanction as well he deserves, but if he did not leave to recognize its contribution in the farming, in the domestic works and of its participation in the protection of its gentlemen, that is, it was visible for the operating colonizador and in the division of the work and production, therefore literature is repleta of mentions to the fights of the blacks same to the cost of its laborious work. It enters the ones that did not have time and voice in history is the indian, considering that the few times where they appear it is for serving of scene, rare appear as coadjuvantes and never as principal actors, a time that did not serve for the work that then was presented. Thus the screens, the pictures and photos of history still show the naked or worn indians with penalty, dresses for the party or the War. In this chapter, the emphasis is given to the lingustico aspect of the names of the majority of the cities, what it all characterizes the aboriginal presence in the history of the State of Pernambuco, mainly in the hinterland, paalvras is in the historical registers, in the names of streets, the villages, the towns and cities, the pulled eyes of the mestizos, in the trend to the ocio and the preference for cachaa and this exactly that little people have seen indian this way.

In this phase, I made solid my referring slight knowledge to the importance of the friends, also started to hierarquizar my priorities in the personal life, wrong started to value more my friends of what my familiar. Namoro initiated mine partially mature, more lasting until then – one week -, also started to go shows and ballads, to travel alone, and to as much the shyness made me contact to lose all, becoming me a more communicative person and extending my folder of friendships quickly. As I was saved of these freedoms for much time, I became a vulnerable person psychologically, and filosofava the time all, were infinite the questions that emerged daily of my mind. This vulnerability gave to space the non-observance of the domain that the vice of alcoholic beverages was assuming in me, drank frequently – in such a way socially how much inebriating itself -, this reason searched to eliminate little of shyness that still it existed in me, when arriving in house, as it had learned with my Rick cousins and Danilo, brushed teeth and slept soon so that nobody perceived.

After that my mother discovered that she was pregnant, what she would come to alliviate to me provisorily, therefore in the same day that it discovered that she waited twin, occurred a spontaneous abortion, she left what it extremely shaken e, in such a way, I could not say everything suffocated that me, getting worse my psychological state. Although these normal problems that did not harm outrem, the revolt never was part of my heart, and I always kept the education given for my family stops with the oldest and too much relatives. My hurt in the truth, always was internal, for leaving all of to deal with me to the family as object model, to who the too much members of the family would have to copy so that it attracted the envy of other people.