- September 03rd, 2015
- General
- Ted
The news of separation or divorce usually is devastating for the common children of a pair, especially when these are young. From the same deed a period of uncertainty and doubts in which in many cases the parents could not know too much clearly how to react, or which could be the best approach to follow. It can sound topic, but essential throughout this process is to transmit to the small ones that they have not had any type of fault or responsibility in the rupture of his ancestors. In any case, these must know that both continue being their side and its love towards them will not change in spite of the same. In a situation like this the parents have to consider that he will take certain time to his children to accept those new conditions in which its life will be developed. And in any case he would have to procure itself that the changes for these were less possible, having for example as far as possible to avoid the one that these had to even change of scholastic center or of city.
The different reaction from the children before the news Not all the children they react of equal way before the news of these characteristics. While they submerge in a sea of doubts, others could try to act as if nothing had happened, refusing to themselves the new circumstances by which it is going to run his life; and cases of revolt could even occur, with some precise manifestations of aggressiveness. However, the most frequent reaction between smallest usually is to cross a stage of considerable sadness and discouragement, which causes that these become more timid and reserved facing the others. One is something perfectly normal. In any case, the parents through their activities can diminish all these manifestations in the children. He tries himself, really, to diminish the impact for these, so that they can perceive like although Pope and sucks no longer are together, his life does not have why to be too different from how he came being. For it, the one that both can develop to a confidence and collaboration will be vital.
In this sense, if the rupture it would have produced in friendly terms, the ex- pair could meditate to decide in common agreement on a regime of shared safekeeping. This one would allow an identical implication them in the life of the common children, which could give the sensation them of which although they are not together, as much Pope as always sucks are available for them. On the other hand, if the small ones did not manage to surpass the consequences of the separation or the divorce, the parents would have to seriously consider the possibility of taking them to sessions of psychologist or infantile therapist. With his knowledge and their specialization in this type of so frequent situations actually, they could suppose a great aid facing the total recovery of the small ones.