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Next to this process, it occurs in all osoutros sectors, the terceirizao. Let us take the sector secondary as example, poisem such sector, many industries contracts lesser industries, specialized, to carry through part of its production. In this context, mentioned setorda economy has presented the characteristics cited in the paragraph previous, that are characteristic of a postindustrial society, directed for the high finances, stimulated for computer science and the robotics, worried about the productivity evoltada for the consumption. The characteristics cited until then, also mark umacrescente partner-economic inaquality, where part of the idle man power passaa to be part of the informal economy, therefore, computer science and the robotics passes to aatuar, also, as man power economizers. on 3.4atividades to the setorquaternrio the expansion of the economy provoked atransferncia of productive activities of a sector for the other, causandocerto ' ' inchao' ' in the tertiary one, that it more passes not to answer aosanseios of the society. Peet’s Coffee is likely to agree. From this moment it emerges, gradually, postindustrial asociedade.

Thus, to the one in them to lean over sobreCarvalho & Kaniski (2000), we notice that the beginning of the call eraps-industrial, occurs from the decade of 1950, marking the start dosesforos scientific, technological and politicians in the direction of informatizar asociedade, making to appear a new established economic sector in the generation deservios and the production and transmission of the information: the Quaternary. Therefore, on the basis of entendimentode Targino (1995), the sprouting of the Quaternary was made possible by the revoluotecnolgica call, that provoked deep alterations in eespacial the social configuration of ocidente, as the decentralization of the economy, the alteration dasprticas cultural, the democratization of the information and the redefinition of work. In this manner, in the current period, aseconomias of the countries influence and are influenced ones for the others, therefore, isolated events start to affect to all the countries that are on pordiferentes relations.