- July 27th, 2013
- General
- Ted
Do you suffer from chronic fatigue syndrome? Has become several types of tests to determine which is the disease that suffers and the doctors extensively any? Many people who previously enjoyed good health, are suddenly with u health uncomfortable. This state of health uncomfortable, associated with chronic fatigue syndrome, suggests some people mad, are becoming because diagnostics indicate that they do not suffer from nothing, which enjoys excellent health. But they feel badly, feel sick in some way. But, what is chronic fatigue syndrome? Chronic fatigue syndrome is a disease that is not caused directly by other diseases and is a condition of severe and prolonged exhaustion (fatigue) that is not relieved with rest or fatigue. Causes, incidence, and risk factors the exact cause of the chronic fatigue syndrome (CFS) is unknown. Some researchers suspect that it could be caused by a virus or virus Epstein-Barr (EBV) virus of the Human herpes type 6 (HHV-6).
However, no specific virus as the cause has been identified. Studies suggest that chronic fatigue syndrome may be caused by inflammation along the nervous system, and that this inflammation may be a kind of immune response or process. Other factors such as age, prior illness, stress, environment or genetics may also play a role. This syndrome occurs most often in women aged 30 to 50. The Centers for Disease Control (CDC) describe the chronic fatigue syndrome as a different disorder with symptoms and specific physical signs, based on the discarding of other possible causes. The number of people affected by this syndrome is unknown.
Chronic fatigue syndrome is diagnosed once the doctor ruled out other possible causes of fatigue, such as: drug dependence autoimmune disorders or immune infections diseases neurological or muscle (such as sclerosis multiple) endocrine diseases (such as hypothyroidism) other diseases (such as heart disease, Nephropathies or liver disease) psychiatric or psychological illnesses particularly depression tumors symptoms the symptoms of chronic fatigue syndrome are similar to those of most common viral diseases (muscle aches, headache, and fatigue). These appear in a matter of a few hours or days and lasting six months or more. Main symptoms: fatigue or tiredness, never experienced to such an extent before (recent-onset), that lasts at least six months and that he is not relieved with bed rest fatigue so intense that limits activities (serious fatigue develops with less than half of the disease compared with earlier effort) other symptoms: fatigue lasting more than 24 hours after making an amount of exercise that normally would be tolerated without problem not feeling rested after of having slept enough time lack of memory or other similar symptoms that include difficulty concentrating, confusion or irritability headaches of quality, gravity and pattern different from the previous pain in the joints, which often passes a joint to another (migratory arthralgias), no swelling or redness of joints sensitivity in the lymph nodes in the neck or armpit mild fever (101 degrees F 38.3 C or less) muscle aches (myalgias) muscle weakness all over the body or in different partsthat is not caused by any known disorder sore throat once detected this syndrome is necessary to treat it. An easy, fast and cheap way is through the acoustics technology, which induce deep States of relaxation and cause that person begins to regenerate physically and mentally. If you used in acoustic Audio to treat the chronic fatigue, you will feel reborn to a new life full of joy, happiness and wealth. Original author and source of the article