- January 13th, 2014
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- Ted
These moments of exploration are extremely important to train the corporal project, the necessary lateralidade, perception and other potentialities in elapsing of the life, therefore if it does not have to hinder the child to practise them, therefore it will be from them that it will go to train its motor movements, to develop its independence, maturity and to live deeply new situations. THE TRICK IN THE SCHOOL In the preschool period, playing plays fort factor in the socialization of the child, therefore it starts to interact with its professors and classmates (Sanseverino, M.M. 2002, P. 109).
This type of situation will make with that the individual learns if to carry in way adjusted in distinct situations, will learn that to have a good relation, is necessary to respect rules, to respect the space, opinions and ideas of other people, exactly that is not in accordance with the same ones. The game and the toy provide, without Existem games in which the proper activity is not pleasant, as for example, predominantly in the end of the preschool age, games that only give to pleasure to the child if it considers the interesting result. The esportivos games (not only the athletical sports, but also other games that can be gained and lost) are, quite frequently folloied of displeasure, when the result is favorable for the child (Vigotsky, L.S. 1984, P. 107) when playing, the child is above of the proper age, above of its daily, bigger behavior of what he is in the reality. In the measure where the child imitates oldest in its daily activities, it creates chances for its intellectual and also social development.
Therefore the importance of the interaction of the adults, is familiar or professors, with the children. Nowadays, some children possess some psicomotor deficit Such children become regredidas, manipulating, with low resistance to the frustration, also presenting, difficulty in the social treatment and the pedagogical development (Dalila, M.M. et al. 2002, P. 110) .