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Even the (metaphorical) imitation is aborted by the recognition of the impossibility in the same attempt: I was never going to be able to become a Knight of veras (p.100). subtracts the desire for identification, conversion in the other: then, to look at you, don Jeronimo, a hunger gap opened up in my and by the wanted to escape from my own body to incorporate me into the body of the man who was passing, be part theirs while not more than his shadow not only it had everything but it was all still walking alone because no we could stand there, watching him forever, that is what the (father) and I wanted to (pp. 104-105) is almost a mystical experience frustrated. In the novels of Beckett the problem of identity, at least insofar as consciousness, not arises. If in terms of the physical menesterosidad and individuality: Molloy thinks that is becoming his mother and Moran assumes the personality of Molloy. But the focal point that delivers the world is firm, even though pure speech. The Unnamable expresses almost to the end you must say words, as long as there are any, until they find me, until they say I… (p.414).

degradation occurs at the level of the material part of the composite consciousness/matter; RES cogitans/rex extensive; body/spirit; itself / themselves. Perhaps in the permanence of the consciousness in both Entelechy is the same value of that consciousness devoid of object. In an absurd universe the only reality that remains is the conscience. That would be the humanism of Beckett. In both cases we have narrators characters to a minimum existence human, that would not constitute a-gradation in the case of the novel of Donoso, since in this universe that de-gradation appears as a prior and original state to the full human Constitution and sufficient to individual and social level and can be considered a pre-gradacion been prior to the acquisition of the essential elements that allow the existence of a human institution can be improved or degradable.