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Pile-driving device as the best way to pile foundation pile foundation piles – the base structural member that transfers loads from structures directly on the supporting layers of soil. The lion's share of piles, used in industrial and civil construction – precast f / c prismatic piles with a cross section 300×300 and 350h350. Headroom (tops) combined single pile structure (beam, plate, etc.) that allows these piles to work together. This construction is located on the ground, called rostverkom.Tipy piles Piles are classified into two types according to their works: piles, hanging racks and piles. Piles rack work due to the fact that her butt rest on solid rock. Hanging same pile work by friction side of the piles of soil. In Moscow and Moscow region, almost all piles – piles piling visyachie.Zabivka – the cheapest and fastest way to piling in ground. Further details can be found at A. F. Chief of Staff , an internet resource.

Pile by pile driving devices (DAC), equipped with special hammers. By the principle of the device data hammers fall on diesel hammers and gidroboloty. The shock of these hammers weighing from 1.5 to 9 tonnes down on headroom installed in the project situation and literally pile hammer it into the ground. Piling technology has certain disadvantages, such as noise and vibration impacts on nearby building. So do not make driving in areas with dense urban development. But in the case of the relative remoteness of 150 and more meters to the nearest object, pile-driving – the best choice. Here you will find more detailed The description of technology driving svay.Stoimost piling works on The price will very much depend on the volume of piles and slaughtered varirovatsya can range from 200 to 500 rubles per meter dive. Themselves from the pile delivery on the central region will cost about 680 rubles per square meter or more, depending on the type of reinforcing piles and shoulder carriage to the site. The average cost of the pile field, such as 2-section of an apartment house in the Moscow area, with a total of 700 pieces of piles of thousands of rubles per meter, taking into account the material, shipping and other costs svaeboyschikov, multiplied by the total length of all piles, embedded in the construction project.