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For the majority of Russian people, Switzerland is associated with three things: cheese, chocolate and, of course, Swiss watches. In fact, it would be better to talk about one thing – Swiss quality. The desire for solidity and good the work of the Swiss have been in the blood. That they managed to gather bits and pieces of his freedom-loving Confederacy to defend their right to be independent and live as they want. That they have managed to master the impassable mountain passes creating a very dense network of railways in the world. That they managed to create a standard of living higher than in any other country around. What lies behind this 'chocolate life'? First of all, it's boundless love for his country.

This the case when their own interests inferior to the public, when the slogan "to protect domestic producers' – this is not an empty phrase. Because, despite the dumping policies neighbor Germany and other countries, Switzerland can be successfully support their farmers and other producers. This love of country is expressed in the responsibility that every citizen belongs to the place where he lives. This implies a concern for the environment, manifested in the unprecedented purity, sorting garbage and willingness to sacrifice personal comfort in favor of public transport in order to preserve clean air. In addition, Switzerland – the best example of quality and sound work. The Swiss are not taken to hurry up and frantically doing everything at the last moment, they do not have and eternally-Russian hopes for a chance. No, this is the part of sluggish unhurried action, but always thoughtful and always successful.

Reasonableness and accuracy of the Swiss is visible in many ways – and the system of functioning of public transport and roads, and well thought-life organization. But perhaps the most important component of Swiss quality of life – is respect for the law. More difficult to find a more law-abiding citizens in the world than the Swiss. However, this was the guarantor of stability and tranquility in the country. The law here – this is not an abstract prescription far from real life officer. The law in this country going by the people themselves at regular votes on many issues. Community-cantonal structure of society can effectively implement democratic norms, involving everyone in the country to participate in her destiny. As a result, a little wild, mountainous country has turned into one of the embodiment of earthly paradise, to escape from the bustle of the world, many famous people. It finished its days of such great artists as Vladimir Nabokov, Charlie Chaplin, etc. Among the hardcore fans of Swiss beauties found many big names: Herman Hesse, Carl Jung, Erich Maria Remarque, Hugo Ball, Stefan George, Isadora Duncan, Paul Klee, Rudolf Steiner, Max Picard, Frieda and Otto Gross and others beautiful life do not come, it is created through hard work, education and love of country.