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By Alfredo Armando Aguirre started the present communication, making explicit that it travels along the path of science. Prior to the beginning of the drafting, the 1st. June 2008 in the Gregorian calendar, as we in the communications that we have been asking for more than three decades, we raised the problem of the title to give it, label to which we assign character of backbone of our messages. The magnitude of the issue was that we finally, proceed to assemble in a title, the three that occurred to us, and so we ended up in a style of titling of writings that was characteristic of previous centuries. Because the sixty years having passed, people with vocation say humanistic, ay a fact which we marked: the Stockholm Environment Conference of 1972.En Argentina, to a strip of that type of vocations, we still stuck with more intensity projections of that event, taking into account the impact and that disclosure of that thematic, made who was three times President of Argentina, El general Juan Domingo Peron.

The opportunity, before the March 1976 coup, press and communications of the Government Secretariat Argentino, edited four volumes, containing the speeches of Peron, from June 1973 until June of the following year. We have doubts about the magnitude of the distribution that there was of that material, but in the same recurring allusions to the contents of that Conference are attested. Over time was becoming clear four months before it, and in the same intellectual climate that generated the report Meadows on the boundaries of growth, and the Gaia hypothesis of James Lovelock, Peron even in his Madrid exile issued, his message to the Governments and peoples of the world, message that, with some slight modifications, sent to the Conference of non-aligned countriesheld in Libya the following year. Sensitized by the preaching and the impact of the release of the quotation of the price of oil, the Organization of petroleum exporting countries decided in 1973, we have been studying the issue since then and we were turning in communications since mid-1977.