- February 03rd, 2013
- General
- Ted
Since at that time Prince Black was at odds with the great Kiev prince Oleom and wait for help, he was , he decided to break the siege until the manpower, food and water in the city was still enough. As soon as the prince with his wife and the militia came outside the city walls, a flock of traitors rushed into the room, girls on the top floor of the tower, which, as legend tells, was also high, as the old oak trees that grew around it. Princess managed to hit a few that were attacked, but when there was no boom, girl out the window. What would be nice nor was this legend, but it has nothing to do with the city, because the first written mention of Chernigov refers to 860, ie, toponym arose well before the events described in the translation. Researchers are inclined to conclude that the city got its name from the leader of a local tribe, or the first settler by the name of Chernivtsi or Chernega, moreover, that such a name common among kindred Slavic nations – Poles and Czechs. An indirect confirmation of this version is a toponym of the capital of Ukraine: Kiev called on behalf of his prince – Kiya. Chernigov, center of the most northern area Ukraine, located on the right bank of the Desna river 140 kilometers of international highway Odessa-St Petersburg to Kiev and 80 kilometers in a straight line from the infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant them.