- January 24th, 2020
- General
- Ted
PROJECT PEDAGOGICAL POLITICIAN AND AUTONOMY OF the SCHOOL In accordance with interpolated proposition 1, Art. 12, of LDB 9394/96, the educational establishments, respected the common norms and of its system of education, will have the incumbency to elaborate and to execute its proposal pedagogical. In this direction, this work has the primordial objective to promote reflections on as the proposal pedagogical of each school has been executed, the project pedagogical politician is many times carried through as mere formality, without the concern with the collective construction, as its improvement, aiming at the true knowledge on the pertaining to school community, for in such a way must be taken in consideration, the population that constitutes each unit, its characteristics, especificidades. The bureaucratic requirement, leads most of the time to the writing, or even though to the copy of previous projects; without the minimum concern to adjust them it the reality of the school, that dumb the all instant, as well as the social world, requirements, technology, the society and the culture. still, can be said that professors, much less the community, between them, parents and pupils, at least arrive to know such document, what it is a pity, therefore are by means of it that he becomes and if constructs the unit and this must go of meeting to the expectations of all the participants, expressing the objectives, the yearnings, the especificidades and characteristics of its coadjuvantes, with regard to the education and the quality of the offered education. The school, has in its hands, although the legal requirements, norms and lines of direction to be followed, a tool importantssima and of extreme necessity, to the exercise practical of its autonomy, the Project Pedagogical Politician, where each educational establishment, establishes goals, objectives to be reached, however for in such a way it becomes essential the knowledge and the participation of that in it they intervene direct or indirectly..