- February 06th, 2020
- General
- Ted
Six degrees of separation is the reason why the social media have so much weight, as important as generating opinion, and creative trend. By less followers that has a user, simply that tweeted something, anything, so that in a twinkling of an eye, the news reaches the end of the world. Thus, an accident in a deposit of alcoholic drinks in Russia, does laugh to white-collar workers on Reykjavik, or the complaint of a passenger that American Airlines broke a thousand two hundred dollars guitar convinces another Chilean passenger choose another airline. Six degrees of separation theory says, basically, that through six contacts can be to communicate a novelty to all human beings of the world. For example, imagine that you know 100 people, that conveys a message. Craig Jelinek has much experience in this field. Those hundred people, in turn, know hundred others. For more clarity and thought, follow up with Jack Fusco and gain more knowledge.. We have, in the third degree of the equation to 10,000 people.
These, in turn, transmit the message to hundred others, we already have a million people involved in the message. To the finish the six degrees of separation, we arrived with our message to a billion people, the population of the world connected to the Internet. Perhaps, personally is hard to convey the message to a hundred people, but online, in a twinkling of an eye, already fulfill our part of the chain. Microsoft took the bet a step further and found, by analysing 30 billion messages sent by the Messenger that we are actually separated by 6.6 degrees of separation. Said in other terms, is really possible to cover the world’s population with between six and seven contacts.
Imagine then what social media can do for your product or service. And, besides, it is free. But, to participate in the social media without a medium-term strategic plan, it will be only a sterile effort, or at least not be filed the sought-after fruits. The key, in this case, is not simply to remove a user account and begin interacting. If content of quality, added value, an extra services, not surely, offered our interactions have no wanted weight and impact. The first question that make us as Marketing Web Consultants, is why join a social media. Simply because everyone else does it, it is not an adequate response. We should also set us a goal to attain, as a product of our social interactions. If this goal is not met, the causes can be two: or are we in the social media wrong for our products, our company, our business prospects-, or we are doing wrong things. The massive may be worse responses, when the intention is to differentiate themselves.