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The project is budgeted at about 6.5 billion euros. OHL, Cobra (ACS), Renfe, Adif, Copasa, Dimetronic, Indra and Talgo are among the dozen companies forming the group. The Saudi authorities have already communicated its decision to the Spanish Government, in the absence of finalizing some technical details. A group of Spanish companies is emerging as the final successful bidder for the project of construction of the line of high speed (AVE) between Mecca and Medina (Saudi Arabia), a mega-budgeted project in about 6,500 million euros. The Spanish Government has already received a letter of intent from Saudi authorities that they communicate their intention to award a contract, whereby babers is a consortium of French companies, according to sources of the Spanish Consortium to the Spanish group. The Spanish group is composed of a dozen companies, including OHL, Cobra (ACS), Renfe, Adif, Copasa, Dimetronic, Indra and Talgo.

The latter would be responsible supply trains that would circulate through the corridor. According to the same sources, the final award of the project will occur shortly, as soon as the technical fringes of the offer submitted will close. It is a global project ranging from the construction of the platform of the line, about 450 kilometers in length, to the installation of its superstructure (signalling, electrification, telecommunications and security systems), in addition to the supply of the AVE trains and the subsequent maintenance of the corridor. The long journey of the bird of the desert with the awarding of the so-called bird of the desert would end the process of public competition, the Government of the country launched a few years ago, and why business consortiums around the world, another French, one Spanish and two finalists were selected from among those who were interested. In addition, the achievement of this historic project would be an important step in the strategy of internationalization of the bird that promotes the Spanish Government along with the companies under high speed Spanish brand. Within the framework of this strategy numerous countries from all continents have traveled to Spain to learn first hand the AVE, between which it emphasizes United States. The administration of Barack Obama has publicly praised the system of high-speed Spanish and his Secretary of transportation, Ray LHood, has traveled twice to Spain to see it first hand. Currently, Spanish technicians collaborate in development in California that would be first bird of United States.