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Freixenet Carta Nevada Semiseco, Albarino 'Lagar de Cervera', Artadi Rioja Vina El Pison – for many years please fans of the noble beverage. Do not forget that smuggle alcohol is allowed in limited quantities. But turn it in his favor: choose only the best. Wine for a gift you poured into a leather wineskin or a beautiful jar. Extend the good mood of the trip, and also touch the Spanish culture of their loved ones, you will help the music. On a par with classical motifs, there are the modern trends. Choosing a disc with the music note on the bone – two concave plate-shells, which are interconnected string.

They say that playing them soothing. Check on the neighbors! 🙂 Armed with castanets and flamenco with a drive, you can safely go home: a party in the Spanish style you provided. Fans can purchase souvenirs statuettes of bulls in Spain. The Bulls are known to be victims of bullfighting. They are a symbol of Spain. You can find them everywhere, so they will not stop.

And, of course just a fan! Spanish fans – it's something bright, light and impressive. There is a local legend. Several hundred years ago, a Spanish princess was so keen on collecting the fans that came up with the original test for their grooms. For someone who can give her the most beautiful fan, she promised to marry. A master of the fans, while, oddly enough, it was a little bit. So, all suitors rushed to the assistance of the famous master, but he, thinking himself decided to try his luck. Produced a fan of gold, decorated it with loose stones and gave the princess. She liked the gift. And she has fulfilled her promise. And so, with the help of an ordinary fan, you can find your destiny! 🙂 But even if the marriage in your plans do not include (or already has?), You still get it: even if he will not be used for saving its owner in hot weather, you will be able to bring home Spanish flavor. This journey will bring lots of positive emotions. And, sitting on a plane, you say: Hasta luego! Close your eyes. Flamenco guitar and percussion sounds for a long time will burn in your heart. And next, the baggage, racing through miles of wind, will have to wait meetings with people you love gifts, selected with great warmth

From Stone Age to Albrecht Durer at the German National Museum, the largest museum of German art and culture, will appear before the visitor nearly everything at one time played an important role in the development of German countries. All primary sources on German history, literature and art are included in the fully cataloged general index, which has no equal worldwide. General museum fund totals more than 1.2 million exhibition facilities. Various museum exhibits are located in the 17-year special department. Museum exhibits cover the period from the history of primitive society and ancient history until the second half of the 20 century.

20,000 exhibited objects invite the visitor a journey through time, from Stone Age axes passing medieval sculptures and paintings of emperors Albrecht Durer and finishing of felt suit of Joseph Beuys, 1971. In addition, the regularly conducted Special exhibitions are presented graphically selected topics in art history and culture of German-speaking countries. Even on the street we are impressed harmonious blend of historical and modern architecture. Within permanent exhibition of the German National Museum in Nuremberg offers a unique opportunity for the imperial fortress on the spot to get acquainted with the value of the building structure and its eventful history. The displayed items are for better visibility of complex structural elements of the fortress. Based on the exhibits from the museum's possible to understand the value of Nuremberg imperial fortress, which was her inherent power as a symbol of the "Holy Roman Empire of German Nation" from 12 to 16 cc.

For the majority of Russian people, Switzerland is associated with three things: cheese, chocolate and, of course, Swiss watches. In fact, it would be better to talk about one thing – Swiss quality. The desire for solidity and good the work of the Swiss have been in the blood. That they managed to gather bits and pieces of his freedom-loving Confederacy to defend their right to be independent and live as they want. That they have managed to master the impassable mountain passes creating a very dense network of railways in the world. That they managed to create a standard of living higher than in any other country around. What lies behind this 'chocolate life'? First of all, it's boundless love for his country.

This the case when their own interests inferior to the public, when the slogan "to protect domestic producers' – this is not an empty phrase. Because, despite the dumping policies neighbor Germany and other countries, Switzerland can be successfully support their farmers and other producers. This love of country is expressed in the responsibility that every citizen belongs to the place where he lives. This implies a concern for the environment, manifested in the unprecedented purity, sorting garbage and willingness to sacrifice personal comfort in favor of public transport in order to preserve clean air. In addition, Switzerland – the best example of quality and sound work. The Swiss are not taken to hurry up and frantically doing everything at the last moment, they do not have and eternally-Russian hopes for a chance. No, this is the part of sluggish unhurried action, but always thoughtful and always successful.

Reasonableness and accuracy of the Swiss is visible in many ways – and the system of functioning of public transport and roads, and well thought-life organization. But perhaps the most important component of Swiss quality of life – is respect for the law. More difficult to find a more law-abiding citizens in the world than the Swiss. However, this was the guarantor of stability and tranquility in the country. The law here – this is not an abstract prescription far from real life officer. The law in this country going by the people themselves at regular votes on many issues. Community-cantonal structure of society can effectively implement democratic norms, involving everyone in the country to participate in her destiny. As a result, a little wild, mountainous country has turned into one of the embodiment of earthly paradise, to escape from the bustle of the world, many famous people. It finished its days of such great artists as Vladimir Nabokov, Charlie Chaplin, etc. Among the hardcore fans of Swiss beauties found many big names: Herman Hesse, Carl Jung, Erich Maria Remarque, Hugo Ball, Stefan George, Isadora Duncan, Paul Klee, Rudolf Steiner, Max Picard, Frieda and Otto Gross and others beautiful life do not come, it is created through hard work, education and love of country.

It is this spirit of universal tolerance and universal perception has allowed the Indian culture to survive and persist, while other ancient civilizations can be seen either in art galleries and museums. or on archaeological sites. Indian culture. Way in five millennia. Indian culture can be likened to a mighty river, which originates high in the Himalayas and continues its course among the forests and plains, orchards and farms, villages and towns. It infused numerous tributaries, changing its banks, but the river itself remains unchanged. Indian culture is equally inherent in the unity and diversity, commitment to tradition and receptiveness to new things.

Over the long history of India had to work to survive, to adapt to many things, assimilating elements of various cultures, but it has managed to preserve its ancient heritage. Extraordinarily diverse nature and climate of the country, live here numerous ethnic groups with their beliefs, languages and culture. However, throughout there is a unique Indian flavor. The source of this unity is elusive. It can feel, but it is impossible to understand. In its famous book The Discovery of India, Jawaharlal Nehru, gave a brilliant analysis of the unity and integrity of Indian culture, rooted in its astonishing variety. Even the monuments of Harappan civilization (3000-1800 bc. Er.) Already carry those features that later became synonymous with India and its culture. Confirmation to serve as archaeological finds in Harappa and Mohenjo-Daro. Statue of a man deep in thought, suggests that in those days was known to practice yoga.

The first known place in ancient Greece, where she cultivated the vine and made wine, is the island of Crete, where it was excavated first winery, referring to 1600 bc Deciphered Linear Knossos show that the wines of Greece during this period enjoyed fame in the ancient world and distributed to the country of Mesopotamia and Egypt. Crete was also the place where the wine was delivered and the mainland of Greece. Although the exact evidence of this fact does not exist, but it seems most plausible since prove the close connections between Minoan Crete and Mycenaean Greek mainland. After the sudden disappearance of the Minoan civilization Center Greek wine-making has shifted to the mainland. After a period of "dark ages" in the history of ancient Greece that followed the invasion of Dorian tribes, in Greece around the period 1000-900 centuries bc again began the economic and cultural revival, followed by active colonization of the Greeks the Mediterranean region. To this same period include the first evidence of the cult of Dionysus in Greece. Dionysus was the god of wine. According to ancient Greek legends of Dionysus was introduced into Greece, wine, and taught men to cultivate the vine.

In honor of Dionysus were established holidays – Dionysos, during which people dressed in various costumes and acted out scenes from the life Dionysus. That Dionysiacs over time led to the emergence of classical Greek theater. With increasing number of Greek colonies on the shores of the Mediterranean Sea and spread the art of winemaking imported by the ancient Greeks to the most remote corners of the Mediterranean basin. The Greeks began to cultivate the vine in such areas as Sicily and the south of France, who are the world's wine-making centers and today. Development of wine in the colonies, especially contributed to the Peloponnesian War, when they were interrupted by the trade ties between the metropolis and the colonies and the colonists were forced to meet their needs independently.

Wine trade in ancient Greece was a very well developed. That's when wine began to get their names and brands in order to be recognized by consumers. In 1986 d.n.e Athens was subject to Rome. At the same time winemaking centers have gradually moved from Greece to Italy. However, it was the Greeks that gave impetus to the development of winemaking, without which largely would not be a modern wine-making tradition.

Since at that time Prince Black was at odds with the great Kiev prince Oleom and wait for help, he was , he decided to break the siege until the manpower, food and water in the city was still enough. As soon as the prince with his wife and the militia came outside the city walls, a flock of traitors rushed into the room, girls on the top floor of the tower, which, as legend tells, was also high, as the old oak trees that grew around it. Princess managed to hit a few that were attacked, but when there was no boom, girl out the window. What would be nice nor was this legend, but it has nothing to do with the city, because the first written mention of Chernigov refers to 860, ie, toponym arose well before the events described in the translation. Researchers are inclined to conclude that the city got its name from the leader of a local tribe, or the first settler by the name of Chernivtsi or Chernega, moreover, that such a name common among kindred Slavic nations – Poles and Czechs. An indirect confirmation of this version is a toponym of the capital of Ukraine: Kiev called on behalf of his prince – Kiya. Chernigov, center of the most northern area Ukraine, located on the right bank of the Desna river 140 kilometers of international highway Odessa-St Petersburg to Kiev and 80 kilometers in a straight line from the infamous Chernobyl nuclear power plant them.

The symbol of Islam for the whole country is the spiritual center of Kuala Lumpur's National Mosque Masjid Negara on the street Jalan Sultan Himshamuddin. The complex consists of a mosque minaret height of 73 meters and a star-shaped ribbed domes, and eighteen angles which represent the 13 states of Malaysia and the five pillars of Islam. Also in Kuala Lumpur is look at the Hindu temple Sri Mahamariamman decorated with numerous sculptures and admiring their decor. No less interesting is the Chinese Temple Chan C Shu Yuen, Sze Taoist temple I am a Buddhist temple Hong Yang. List all the masterpieces it is simply impossible, but we can safely say that in some place where the city you may be, you will not be disappointed. Hotels Tours in Malaysia suggest the best holiday, so to stop the tourists in all resort towns country built modern hotel with excellent service.

Langkawi will make you comfortable villas Bon Ton Resort Hotel 5 * situated among century-old coconut palms and 10 minutes from the airport and 5 minutes from the main beach. This is an ideal place for rest and solitude. Four Seasons Hotel 5 * situated in the northeastern part of the island, just 25 minutes drive from the airport. You can choose to stay in one of the 68 spacious halls or one of the 23 villas built in the Malay-style among rainforest. One of the most presentable Hotels Malaysia The Datai is located in the northern part of the island.

Originally Detinets, like most of Novgorod buildings were wooden, and XIV-XV centuries, the walls of the wood is gradually replaced by stone. The Kremlin was a cultural and political center of the Novgorod Republic. It was going to Veche and maintained records, it acted in military campaigns Novgorod militia, and in 1478 it was in the Kremlin announced the annexation of Novgorod to Moscow. The Kremlin is sure to visit the main shrine Novgorod region – Hagia Sophia. Founded in 1044-45 by Prince Vladimir's – the eldest son Yaroslav the Wise, Hagia Sophia is very similar to his sister, Kiev.

This five-naval,'s cross-building, which has, however, only three apses (speaking), and five domes. Unlike Kiev Sophia Novgorod inherent large monumental, stark power, simple forms and avarice decor. Bypassing the temple on the west side note Magdeburg (Sigtunskie) Gate – Military trophy Novgorod, brought in the xii century the Swedish Sigtuna. In relief depicted on the gates of scenes from the Old and New Testaments surprising artistic skill and taste. There is also a figure who made the gate masters – casters Rikvina (with weights in the right and tongs in his left hand) and Vaysmuta (with pliers in his hands). Between the figures of German artisans depicted Russian master Abraham, which brought together the plates on which the gates were dismantled for transport. Turning back, you see a building Novgorod Faceted Chamber. In xv century it met the Council of Lords, and here in 1570, took the famous Grim Feast of Ivan the Terrible, with whom he began his' Oprichny defeat.

Invitations with a set of documents (with a description of where you can find on the pages of the Embassy of the Czech Republic on the Internet) must be submitted in one of Consulate of the Czech Republic, located in Russia or other cis countries, in person or by a notarized power of attorney can do it your representative. Choose to arrive in the Czech Republic need you independently. Several possibilities: air, train or car. It all depends on your ability and preferences. Decision consulate for the visa you get exactly one week after submitting a package of documents. After arriving in the Czech Republic, the hotel accommodation you will be registered with the moment of entry until departure. The flight from Moscow to Prague is almost 3 hours. The train will get 34 hours.

By car – an average of two days. In the latter case, the speed plays an important role of customs and border control, and your physical capabilities. What to see in Prague and how to get there by public transport. Sightseeing Prague recommend starting from Wenceslas Square and Old Town Square. Can get there by subway on the branch marked in green to the station Mstek or tram stop Vaclavske namsti. Inspection of these attractions can be combined with "shopping" by well-known boutiques goods manufacturers. Arriving at the station on the branch, marked in red to the station Vyehrad you can visit the old Bohemian settlement: Vysehrad Castle with stunning views of the Vltava River and one of the Czech churches "St.

Clearly, the era of individual board in Copan passed. Therefore Yaks Paz, following the famous motto – "Sharing a better authority than the head '- part of the royal authority gave way to their own brothers, as well as several top dignitaries. True, he was still full of ambition, was planning an extensive construction. Thus, according to his command has been built very artsy 'temple-11', but in his reign, even representatives of estates Scribes – an unprecedented thing! – Began to establish the stele in his honor. Such courage is not just the lower classes marked the crisis – it is indicative of growing rapidly decay power. River Valley has long been built up palaces and temples. The peasants who grow maize, have long been relegated to the hillsides, now completely covered with fields.

What could they do? It has long been – once again repeat this dismal word – the entire forest on the slopes was ruthlessly cut down. Soil erosion was no longer keep agriculture face a severe crisis. Meanwhile, the population grew steadily, but the feed it becomes increasingly difficult. On top of all the troubles Apparently, there was a religious division, sharply divided the powerful and the commoners. End of the city's history clearly documented. Stone Yaks Paz sits on the altar in front of the last ruler of Copan, Y Keith current. On monument erected in honor of the inauguration, the date: February 822 ad b This – the last date that is listed in the history of Copan. On the reverse side of the statue of the artist began to cut a relief – it remained unfinished.

'The reason sudden disaster – the diagnosis Nikolai Grube – could be an epidemic, but most likely the case in some social upheavals: it may be, there was a rebellion. Sure, there was a kind of rapid violent denouement. She ended the dynasty of the kings of Copan. " Yes, his soul will rest in the vapors of mercury! Excavations in the Copan continues. In 1997 it was reported that under a pink-purple temple moles of Archaeology found the most ancient temple city of Copan. In it, as suggested by scientists, is the tomb of the founder of the dynasty – Yaks Cook 'Mo. However, to approach it was not easy: it turned out that the dumping is filled to the brim with very toxic substance – mercury. And yet, dressed in protective suits, the scientists uncovered the tomb flooded with mercury. Again a surprise: They found the remains of women, not men. Perhaps it is the wife of the founder of the dynasty? Soon, under its remains found a new grave. It was buried a man. Everything indicates that the deceased were provided with very high honors. Really really found a place of rest the first king?