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Next to this process, it occurs in all osoutros sectors, the terceirizao. Let us take the sector secondary as example, poisem such sector, many industries contracts lesser industries, specialized, to carry through part of its production. In this context, mentioned setorda economy has presented the characteristics cited in the paragraph previous, that are characteristic of a postindustrial society, directed for the high finances, stimulated for computer science and the robotics, worried about the productivity evoltada for the consumption. The characteristics cited until then, also mark umacrescente partner-economic inaquality, where part of the idle man power passaa to be part of the informal economy, therefore, computer science and the robotics passes to aatuar, also, as man power economizers. on 3.4atividades to the setorquaternrio the expansion of the economy provoked atransferncia of productive activities of a sector for the other, causandocerto ' ' inchao' ' in the tertiary one, that it more passes not to answer aosanseios of the society. Peet’s Coffee is likely to agree. From this moment it emerges, gradually, postindustrial asociedade.

Thus, to the one in them to lean over sobreCarvalho & Kaniski (2000), we notice that the beginning of the call eraps-industrial, occurs from the decade of 1950, marking the start dosesforos scientific, technological and politicians in the direction of informatizar asociedade, making to appear a new established economic sector in the generation deservios and the production and transmission of the information: the Quaternary. Therefore, on the basis of entendimentode Targino (1995), the sprouting of the Quaternary was made possible by the revoluotecnolgica call, that provoked deep alterations in eespacial the social configuration of ocidente, as the decentralization of the economy, the alteration dasprticas cultural, the democratization of the information and the redefinition of work. In this manner, in the current period, aseconomias of the countries influence and are influenced ones for the others, therefore, isolated events start to affect to all the countries that are on pordiferentes relations.

The knowledge of the population is essential for the economic planning and the accomplishments of public politics of a country. The demography is essential for the delimitation of the scale of the births and the deaths or, in other words, the natural trajectory of the population. But also it is from the study of the population in the school that the pupil discovers characteristics, traces, formation, among others of its country, helping to identify its place in the world and understanding in part what it is if to become a citizen of a country. We wait that this article elaborated from the reality lived deeply in the period of training can express the reflections on the subject, therefore as future professionals of the teaching, understand that, in the perspective of the pupils, the lessons are tiring, therefore what she prevailed was the disinterest of the same ones for the contents. Thus, we wait to contribute, of some form, so that as many professors how much pupils, can reflect on different ways to teach and to learn the geographic contents. In this in case that the best option were the diversity of didactic instruments to keep the interest of the focados pupils, but without exageros not to transform the mere lessons into shows, where everything is shown to the pupils, but running the risk to leave of the most important side that it is to educate for the full exercise of citizenship.

The Asurin of the Tocantins is also known by Asurin of Trocar (name of the aboriginal area), and by Akuwa-Asurin. However, anthropologist Lcia Andrade verified, in the decade of 80, Akuwa started to have a pejorativa connotation, being used to assign brave indians of the weeds, indians, that is, without much time of contact. Asurin tupi-guarani is falantes of a language of the family. According to Harrison (1980), some dialetais differences between the language exist asurin spoken by the group of Trocar and the group of the Pacaj. In 1962, the members of the group of the Pacaj were essentially monolngues, while asurin resident in the PI Trocar already said Portuguese, learned with the employees of the rank and its families, and with the neighbors of the river Tocantins.

Currently practically all asurin say with fluency the Portuguese, being that the young and the children communicate themselves almost that exclusively in this language. Here we see the domination in the culture in what it says respect to the language, being that asurin practically does not say its proper language, motivated for the economic and social necessity of if relating with the whites and for the invasion of the medias in its homes, publishing notice of its interest and alienating the mind it young indian. Oldest they look for to keep alive this tradition, as we will see more ahead. But future, who will guarantee that the language asurin will continue alive? To say of the valuation of the culture asurin is necessary to know its ideology and its beliefs. Asurin considers that Mahira, our old grandfather, was creator of the human beings and the responsible one for the instauration of the order in the Land. It co-ordinated the physical ordinance of the world, hardening, with the aid of the tapir, the surface of the land that was soft; separating the Sky of the Land; rescuing the night that was possessed for the owl etc.

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From now on, the number of studies and research of this type grew significantly. Today, innumerable scientific articles on this thematic one can be found in famous periodic international. For specific elaboration of this work, the search of bibliographical material and projects of research on the thematic one was carried through: monographs, dissertaes, teses, articles and books. The searches had been accomplished by the Internet: article publication in electronic magazines, small farms of Brazilian universities and agencies that they supply given and material bibliographical concernentes to the thematic one of study. Bibliographical surveys had been effected in libraries entailed central offices to the Federal University of the Cear and to the State University of the Cear, beyond consultations carried through in the libraries of the departments of Geography and to the one of the respective universities; Annals of congresses, meeting and symposiums and visits in the competent agencies had directly been carried through. 4.DISCUSSO.

4.1Estudo for Tourist Group: Using given statisticians of the Ministry of the Tourism, EMBRATUR, SETUR, IBGE and Federal Policy, worked through tables and graphs here it was objectified, in this work, to analyze the subject in a diacrnica perspective; establishing the understanding of standards of motivations of the different tourist groups that, in $fortaleza establish productive relation in the field of the tourism. The dynamics of these groups is worked here through the different concernentes motivations the action to travel. Such condicionantes here are differentiated and defined as: leisure, businesses, events, conventions and other reasons; it was also looked to work at great length the reasons of the leisure trips, that is, to understand if the desire to dislocate itself for $fortaleza happens of the appreciation of the sun and the beach, the nature, the ecoturismo or adventure, the culture, the tropical or typically local sports, of the easiness of the access great ‘ ‘ diversion noturna’ ‘ in the capital person from the state of Cear or still of the trips of similar incentives and; With this, we would determine the type of used lodging: hotel, flat or inn, house of friends and relatives, rented house, proper house, camping or shelter, resort and others for, in fact, understanding the composition of the tourist group, that is, who more travels? The alone individual, the family, the couple with children, friends or others; of how much per capita day in Brazil is the average expense and as if spends: leisure, business, events, conventions and other reasons? Beyond determining the average permanence in Brazil and its main motivation: leisure, businesses, events, conventions or others?