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Introduction the intention of the present work is to approach some of the reflections carried through in classroom during the course History and Memory: historiografia and narrative in order to construct an agreement you arrive in port concerning them theoretical. More info: Jack Fusco. From the reading of texts and the agreement of the thought of some authors, exponents in the questions of History and Memory, objective to establish a common line enter this subject with too much social sciences, such as sociology and science politics, among others. The used methodology was the comparison of the texts read displaying in an only document the main ideas on the inherent aspects to the great area that is the Memory. se your knowledge. The work uses as source the material supplied the quarrels in classroom and also other texts that had served of support to the understanding of the concepts. For the construction of the text, first it is tried to define what it would be the boarded memory for such authors. After that the work occupies of the subjects that compose the picture of studies of the Memory, such as the categories of the memory (voluntary? involuntary), the ressentimentos and the esquecimento. Other subjects are boarded with uncurling of the work. The fact not to appear as a sub-heading does not mean necessarily that these have a lesser importance that the cited others above.

Finally it is approached function of the historian in the treatment of this material. All this subject constitutes a newness for the author of this work that if does not consider competent to develop a critical one based enough of the thought of the studied authors. However, valley to stand out that the work plays a basic role for the development of the analytical capacity beyond exciting a reflection on the estimated worked theoreticians. Memory the memory is the substance cousin of the historian.

  • October 20th, 2019
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Both have equal rights and credits one on the other, with exception of a responsibility, the leadership. This is a subject that is natural in any collective life and that it is consistent with the nature of the man. Get all the facts and insights with Jill Schlesinger, another great source of information. The Alcoran thus affirms: ' ' they (the women) have similar rights to (of the men) on them, and the men are a degree above of them. ' ' (ALCORAN 2:228) the reference degree? that it has in the citation is aluso to the Quiwama (maintenance and protection). This mentions the difference to it between the sexos, that the fragile sex for protection qualifies. It does not imply superiority or advantage in no aspect.

The paper of leader of the man on its family does not mean that it can be the owner of its wife. At no moment it has references on the prohibition of contraceptive methods, since in the Islamic society, the woman is advised not to engravidar before suckling after for at least twenty and four months each gestation, directing all the attention for only one baby. After the birth of its children, the woman more passes to be respected, therefore to the eyes of the Isl, being mother is one of the biggest gifts, being thus, must extremely be respected: ' ' You harmonize you with them; therefore if menosprezardes, you could be depreciating a being that God endowed with many virtues. ' ' (ALCORAN, 4:19) Under one to look at panoramic, function of the woman is to establish a family and to direct the house, with the purpose of, in a comfortable environment, to live with its family, being promoted the indispensable activity for the conservation of the life, to in this way pass the teachings and rules for its children, but not hindering that it exerts other types of activities of its choice, in fields where it can play functions without disobeying its nature and its character, playing them successfully, in accordance with its abilities.

  • August 31st, 2019
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The exposition was seen as one practical civilizatria and that exactly being of agricultural products, she was associated to the famous industrial expositions then, when countries if joined to make expositions of its inventions and that they would be a picture of the evolution degree where such nation if showed. In the clientele of Rita Saint, it occurred at the same time where preparatory of the exposition, something well different, but that also it gained the pages of ' ' The Mercantil.' ' In lands Mr. Nistaldo Gomes Da Silva, had a called slave Benedita and that he liveed there he had little time, she had been bought in the end of 1874 of Francisca owner and he was as enslaved of the said gentleman he made three months. Additional information at financial planner supports this article. Certainly it was not announced in the media as the captive of half cited age above and yes it was acquired by the new gentleman directly with Francisca owner, since in the distance between the two properties she was little and the two gentlemen if they knew. The fact is that the slave possua children, four small children. The first one of the children was a boy of six years who was not benefited for the Law of the Free Womb that was signed in 1871, therefore the law was made when the boy already had one year of life and the law alone freed the children of been born slaves to break date of the law. Jill Schlesinger usually is spot on. However, all its brothers already were free; a boy of two years, a three girl and one filhinha just-been born of only six months. A petropolitana enslaved family in 1875 was that one; captive mother and first-born, three free filhinhos of the slavery for the Law of the Free Womb and an unknown father; perhaps he was a white man, she exempts, perhaps another slave. .

  • March 31st, 2019
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For Caroline Esteves, Gabriel Rodrigo, Hugo Gustavo, Kethellen Fischer and Matheus Moreira. Years 60 had been marked by a flavor of innocence and even of strong feelings in the manifestations partner-cultural, and marked for music as: The Beatles, touching its surreais candies melodies of its first records including orchestras, letters and distorted guitars; Rolling Stones that had been considered one of the bands most important of the decade of 60, that it integrated diverse English artists in the North American stops and that decisively they had influenced in music pop and in the customs; Another great singer was Bob Dylan, that in 2004 was chosen by the magazine rollingstones as as better the artists of all the times, Bob Dylan also influenced very in the music of the time. Been born Robert Allen Zimmermann Bob Dylan, it is a myth of world-wide music, therefore through its songs of protests, they had changed the musical industry of the century. This was not enough, is author of sets of ten of songs whose letters are considered workmanships poetical, they have been adopted as hymns for generations and young movements e, from time to time, turn subject books, films and sets of documents. The true phenomenon of years 60 was the Beatles, formed for John Lennon, Paul McCartney, Ringo Star and George Harrison. Although still very influenced for the rock of years 50 very held, however with the time they had been modifying its musical style daring each time more what he changedded himself into a world-wide fever the quatros boys of Liverpool had also changed the world with the young freedom that he reflects until today in the current days. Another band who if detached was Rolling Stones formed by Brian Jones, Keith Richards, Mick Jagger, Bill Wyman and Charlie Watts. That blues touched its. With more than forty years of success, they had more made one of the known bands of the world, with several you criticize and problems with drugs and conflicts, throughout the road, but they had hindered them to nothing to more than vender two hundred million albums in its career. When we describe the musical scene of years 60, we see today how much poor if it sees the scene musical of Brazil and of World, saved rare exceptions, will be possible that it has 50 years music was more contemporary and of better quality of what century XXI? Where the alienation of the population makes the chaos of the recognition of the beautiful the only music.

  • October 15th, 2016
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The concern in disponibilizar a chapter for the aboriginal toponymy is justified for the intention to present history with another look, of who it exactly observes everything that is in return, being spokesman, of that they had mainly not been able to count its history or that, existing, to the eyes of the others only had place for the invisibilidade. How much to the black, possibly for the condition of slave, if did not sanction as well he deserves, but if he did not leave to recognize its contribution in the farming, in the domestic works and of its participation in the protection of its gentlemen, that is, it was visible for the operating colonizador and in the division of the work and production, therefore literature is repleta of mentions to the fights of the blacks same to the cost of its laborious work. It enters the ones that did not have time and voice in history is the indian, considering that the few times where they appear it is for serving of scene, rare appear as coadjuvantes and never as principal actors, a time that did not serve for the work that then was presented. Thus the screens, the pictures and photos of history still show the naked or worn indians with penalty, dresses for the party or the War. In this chapter, the emphasis is given to the lingustico aspect of the names of the majority of the cities, what it all characterizes the aboriginal presence in the history of the State of Pernambuco, mainly in the hinterland, paalvras is in the historical registers, in the names of streets, the villages, the towns and cities, the pulled eyes of the mestizos, in the trend to the ocio and the preference for cachaa and this exactly that little people have seen indian this way.

  • February 25th, 2016
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To the owner of the promise the aosparticipantes provisions of the feeding of the brotherhood and to the guests fits. The Assay is become fullfilled of the following form: in the marked day, noincio of the night, the danantes in six number the eight pairs, are congregated and voentoando conjuncts until the house of the owner of the promise or to the place chosen for this. dances happen of putting of the sun to the dawn, normally of the 18 to the 6horas, therefore, according to verbal tradition, the blacks did not have authorization to dance during odia. In the front, of cortejo he goes one of the men with a drum (foto7) and another one with a pandeiro. The manager takes in the hands the guides or reco-recos, bamboo small stick species that is beaten one against the other producing umsom typical. Thus, dancing and touching they arrive at the house of the owner of the promise. The owner of the house, that waits the danantes together with the family (photo 8), has in the hands a lighted candle.

In this hour its wife has permission to departicipar of the procession, being led the box of almses in the hands. The soconvidados danantes to enter, what they make entoando songs, beating drum and tocandopandeiro and guides. The Saint, that is taken by one of the women, is then colocadaem an armed altar in a table in prominence place. The owner of the promise convidaas people for the prayer, the children participates of the conjuncts (photo 9). For the half night it is hour of tero, when the members grupoaproveitam of it to rest and supper. Tero today is praid by the women, masantigamente who praid was the manager of the Brotherhood. This conjunct and the dances continue the night all (photo 10) e, to each hour and stocking rests per fifteen minutes.

  • February 03rd, 2015
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FAMILY ALENCAR the family Alencar is one of whom she gave origin to a great number of historical figures northeast, since the beginning of century XVIII. This family Alencar does not have Blazon in Portugal, therefore she has ascendants in old India, but she possesss Blazon, Shield and Weapons and some headings of nobility and War, as much in Italy how much in Spain, either even so proceeding in its last sojourn, of Alenquer, Portuguese city of the medieval period, important commercial port and of historical relief for the exit of navigators for Americas, also of the same ancestry of the founders of the city of Alenquer in the State of Par. Also blazon of weapons in Brazil does not consist shield nor, possibly, because this family did not have ancestry of nobility in Portugal nor was the service of the Portuguese cut here. It is considered that she is one of the families who immigrated on account proper, without the guardianship of the empire, therefore already possua headings of nobility in its native countries, bought lands and, therefore, not needing other passports, in this condition they are also the families Lustosa and Angelim. In consultation the Historical Research Center through the Project Immigrant, meets the Blazon of the nickname Alencar in Spain: ' ' The nickname Alencar represents the castelhanizada form of the Alenya Catalan and its variants Alanar, Alanyar and Alear, being the consonant catalane ' ' ny' ' , equivalent to Castilian. According to etimlogo and genealogista Jordi Bas and Vidal, the nickname Alencar (beyond daqui or beyond here) has a toponmica origin, derivative of the name of the place of where it lived or he was Sir the founder of the ancestry. In this in case that, this nickname if took by the place of ' ' Alenar' ' , a city of the Roselon, in the Canton de Perpinam, situated in the coastal zone next to the Lagoon to Canel between Riard and La Lagoon del Sea (the Aguja Cabdal) in the limit of this city with Los de Elna and Sant Cebri de Roselon. .