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Approximate statistics of the spread of people's fear is as follows: 450 million people in the world at some point in their lives have mental disorders in Europe (including Russia) – every chetvertyy.Sredi them panic disorder affects 4 million people, anxiety disorders and depression – 100 millionov.V Russia – 40% treated in hospitals are diagnosed with neuropsychiatric profile of "phobic neurosis." In psychiatry phobia known as enhanced reaction in the form of fear or the flow of emotions, to any stimulus present. These stimuli are different. Some are afraid of eggplants, fear in others is their own reflection in the mirror, and some can not eat in front of other people. Yuri Levin believes all his fault change of times. What is the main cause of phobias in humans in such a massive character? If we compare the percentage sotsialnofobichnyh ratio of people in the Soviet Union and Russia, it can be seen a considerable increase in their numbers.

Percent to 500%. The point here is that by changing eras seriously increased demands on people. And people were not ready. In this environment and develop a phobia. Person thinks that it all estimates look, compare. Many writers such as Jack Fusco offer more in-depth analysis. And he did not meet the requirements. Then the man locked himself in, begins to be afraid of people can be called a phobia "syndrome of a large city "? No, definitely not. Of course, the big cities has its own specifics in this regard.

But in general – have no fear of geography. That's just yesterday I called a man of the Rostov district. He lives in a wooden house on the outskirts, and to leave the gate can not. More specifically can only drank a bottle of vodka. Here's to you, and social phobia, although there is no metropolis, and nowhere near worth it. Phobia – it is rather a complex of symptoms, rather than fear. Obsessive fear often go hand in hand with other diseases. For example, dystonia frequently generates irrational fear, and depression is a fertile field for the development of phobias. A phobia develops rapidly. Initially, there is fear that subsequently begins to grow uncontrollably. (Similarly see: Craig Jelinek). The man concentrates on his discomfort, there is a constant feeling that now, without fail, there will be something bad. After that, all the discomfort and fear are projected on an object or action, which becomes the object of a phobia. Ironically, the phobia is also a rating. To date, the Russian reality, it looks like this: Agoraphobia. Literally – the fear of open space. Currently, the term refers to any situation, including indoor and outdoor spaces in which people feel a lack of access to a safe place. Acrophobia. Fear of heights. In most severe cases, there is the fear of even low balconies. Hydrophobia. Fear of water. Hydrophobia is sometimes referred to rabies, but it causes a spasm of the larynx, preventing drinking and no fear of water. Zoophobia. Fear animals. This phobia is often associated with certain animals, such as snakes or mice, but not all animals in general. Claustrophobia. The fear of closed places, fear or suffocate. Mikrofobiya and filth-dread. Accordingly, fear of germs and the fear of contamination, these phobias are often co-exist. Niktofobiya. Fear of darkness. Most common in children, and with age they are usually exempt from it. Hypnosis and self hypnosis – Effective ways to help get rid of fear.

I diminish weeks I am in new house, rented, for the time being. Quandoentramos in an empty, new property or not, we jcomeamos to imagine what we can make to leave to aqualelugar of our skill. About many times we think about things a tantointangvel at the moment, as, Tvs Lcd, home to teather, one belotapete and satiated curtains in the walls to give a charm and to darken oambiente for our session of cinema. But in some casoso skill it is to make small alterations to eusar much, but much creativity. Paraisso, today exists many cheap possibilities to personalize umambiente e, one of the best altrnativas is the decorative adhesives. Interesting conferred Dem one below in some for rooms The girls adore butterflies For the gotten passionate ones, she gives to wing its love More wing its love The girls would adore to receive a gift thus and it does not wither in two days This is for the TV room goes to be very original This is for the thoughtful ones That such a message thus, in the headboard of the bed has not waked up me before the 10. That such an environment a little shadier It confers some adhesives for its house here

One of the most popular pets are still dog Voronezh. And judging by the growing trend of dog Voronezh, remain the buys on the market animals for at least the next five years. Now There are more than 400 species of dogs, and choose from a variety of one single dog is difficult. Need to decide first what dogs Voronezh you like and what you are going to buy a dog. Hunting dogs are suitable for hunting, and for someone who wants to get a dog for the soul. Hunting dogs Voronezh is very friendly to man, and need not fear for their safety. Premises suitable for rock those who need a dog for life. These dogs and pets Voronezh Voronezh will serve you faithfully for a long time.

Terriers – it's one of the most amazing dogs, they are always fun and easy, they will not give you bored. Terriers simply not permissible to keep the street, it's only domestic dogs Voronezh. Choosing a custom dog breeds, should opt for the German Shepherd, because she recognized custom dog number 1 worldwide. And this contributed to many films with these dogs, which differ in mind and devotion to his master and his family. Room decorative dog Voronezh – a dog, created for the content in the apartment. These cats are very loyal to the owners and bring unlimited joy of lonely people. Chase Koch gathered all the information. Dogs Voronezh, which are kept in homes, it's sort of like children to people and they Hair and make various garments are sewn, all in order to win prizes at exhibitions.

Fashion in clothes for dogs are already fairly well-developed and separate part of the fashion industry, though recently about dogs Voronezh This could not dream. Dogs Voronezh – it's not just dogs, and wonderful creatures who will not let you be bored and sad! Dogs Voronezh keep you company when you exercise or just watch TV. Particularly favorable Voronezh dogs for small children, a child a child to learn to care about their neighbors and be responsible for those who have tamed. A dog Voronezh never give offense to his master, even the most decorative dog attack the abuser. Acquiring a dog, you will gain a loyal friend and the joy of many days for you. Bolder domesticate dogs!

On the romance, what do you imagine it represent. And even talking about the weather, it does not seem trite, can brighten up the atmosphere at some time have lots of fun in the Moscow club of acquaintances. After all, sometimes even the most ordinary things, served in an unusual format, may not be only worthy of attention of your a charming companion, but also serve as the beginning of your romantic relationship. Under most conditions 'Again the rain. But the promised sun … "-" Exactly.

Remember, in the past year at this time … ' Word for word, and you're talking to other more pertinent matters. Only need to relax. You're not on the exam in the end. Do not forget that the Moscow dating "Romance" in order and created so people who came to the party flirting singles have the opportunity, without any bias voltage and use every opportunity to enjoy unhindered communication and start dating for marriage relations in order to create a family or a romantic fascination with the unexpected continuation. In a sense, a romantic flirt dating party becomes a kind of projection of our desires and abilities exercise their natural desires and interests. Simple solutions to common barriers relaxed pleasant time to flirt singles parties.

In fact, an important occupation for all of us whose age does not exceed 3-4 years old – it's gaming activities. Immediately the game for every child – is the most significant and taken seriously by the activity, which will be require the use of all potentials and skills. And yet, when compared with the work of adults, the game is for kids in any event can trigger a positive. Moreover, for parents is valuable, so in the first moments of life young child has acquired the maximum knowledge that will prove essential to him afterwards. So how to combine, by a natural tendency to play with the baby's natural desire to mom and dad to the development of his personality? Of course the same through the game.

There are many different games that allow your child to improve the huge number of useful skills, and how many is enough of these childish games necessarily require help mom and dad. Of course, because any formation suggests the presence of someone who himself had learned, and anyone who still does not know how. The best educational games with children may require an indispensable part, and not only to stay nearby, and parents. Only in this version of game activity actually entirely capture the kid, and he will be able to use all available opportunities and acquired skills in the past. The bulk of educational games in any way imply a kind of fairy tale invented by the construction of the world, for a normal life in which the child must learn some to begin with a small amount of ability.

For In order to learn how to draw a circle, should be able to properly hold pen, and in addition to figure out what range and how it differs from a rectangle or a rhombus. And in order to make crafts out of paper needed only pens and plain paper. And, of course, a basic knowledge of the way, as rolled sheet of paper. While absolutely should not attempt to offer a two-year small child to the most complex origami – enough basic craft of paper. Important because no outcome, and the resulting skill. And, of course, fun. Since then these, made its own efforts, crafts, baby will be able to play some more interesting games. By the way, tell mom and dad a fairy tale. Moreover, when the child will be able to do even the simplest of things would he be able to make a gift to my mother with his hands on his birthday. And even if the in terms of aesthetic value like a souvenir will be not too expensive, it will be valuable even for the simple reason that it was created for his beloved mother. And it's important to show your child that gift, which made it hands the child, for mom can have tremendous value. This will stimulate further creativity and create it more important for the baby. Important and one more thing. When parents play games with their children, the pleasure of this can get not just kids. The game and the moms and dads to make more positive. Try it – and you will be able to see the effect!

The construction of one marries, a building, buildings of great material dimensions use projetose of civil construction that are of the common knowledge civil naconstruo, the things change form when we are to speak doresto of the population that does not know the process of construction or osmateriais. How many people already had heard to speak of palavraargamassa of nesting or revstimento, probably some but not many, however argamassa one of the materials with the biggest presence in our lives, materialdesejado for ancestor, today a material vulgarly used civil naconstruo where the quality of this product allows that asconstrues advance with rapidity in any part of the world. Aargamassa it is in the reality the junction between water, sand and a binder, from there results a product with the capacity to allow an enormous so necessary rigidezestrutural in the civil construction. To the many centuries behind this product was ambicionado in the sector of the construction a time that if became difficult to construct with rigidity in the structures and this also hindered the construction in height. In the present time any citizen can buy nesting mortar or covering with biggest the dasfacilidades, is enough for this if to dislocate until a warehouse or a store devenda of materials for the sector of the civil construction, is one of the materials cheapest. Normally we know our houses in its final form, already with the painted walls, tetosfinalizados, seated floor, all the installed equipment epreparados to function, without no at sight mortar, argamassas of underneath assentamentoficam of all the materials. Argamassas emdois types are divided, the first type are the mortar of nesting, servepara to guarantee the union between blocks of bricks, this is a situation emque the mortar has that to fulfill the objectives completely so that the wall is perfect. This is a mortar that is day to day part of the workers of the area of the masonry where the nesting mortar has as to objetivoajudar to create a perfect base for the pisos that exist in nossascasas, mosaics, marbles and other materials that are used to pararevestir walls or floor. As a type of argamassasrefere it the covering mortar, the mortar needs here to deajudar to obtain to produce a wall with a smooth finishing in all asua area. This application is divided in 3 types of mortar, chapisco, plasters and I tow finally it.

By committing a series or a treaty of the bride and groom were beaten on the hands, ie, fed each other's hands, so that there was engagement, instruction, rukobitie. And by the bride's brother, sits down, or some other relative. Friend asks: "Why sit here? – I save my sister. – It is no longer yours and ours – objection friend. – And if she is now yours, then I'll pay for it of feeding. I dressed her, fed and watered. " The custom of giving dowry, that is, the bride, there was a long time. Incidentally, the Grand Duke Vladimir, marrying the Greek princess Anna, "will give a dowry Greek queen of Korsun sharing.

" This wine was subsequently reverse the meaning – of dowry, have issued from the bride. The complication was considered to premarital rituals and divination matchmaking. We point to several types of divination, which is closely related to wedding rites. Her mother's daughter ties the eyes, leads her to and fro about the room and then lets go wherever she wants. If the case will lead girl in a big corner or the door is a sign of a close marriage, and if the stove, then her stay at home under the protection of their homes. Great angle because portends a wedding, there are icons and pull out the image from there, we bless the bride and groom. Door the same way as the gates represent an early departure from his native home. Therefore, if the shoe was thrown over his left shoulder virgin, will form the toe toward the door, then she will soon be betrothed.

Matchmaker, as proposed by the bride's parents, tries to sit on the bench so that the plank from under her feet went straight to the door, seeing it as the success of his matchmaking. When it was hit on his hands, blessed the bride, all present, after a pause, which imparts a special solemn rites, prayed, and a wedding wants to move the train, the bride that wants to quickly and married her sister, to pull the tablecloth, which covered the table, pull on the road, spread out like a white tablecloth, and their relatives. Okruchivaya the bride's maiden spit it shared an arrow (a symbol of love), and the crest, which spit comb dipped in honey and wine (symbol of rain). As a metaphor for lightning, which bores into the clouds Perun, sheds rain and cloudy skies declines covers, the arrow that on the day of marriage, when I wake up young, with lifts her veil, the wedding ceremony served as a sign of fertility and at the same time was an instrument that sanctifies the marriage. The symbolic significance of and had a veil, which okruchivaet head bride or her bridal veil, it denotes the cloud cover, under which was a beautiful goddess of spring, fall to the whole nature of the rich gifts of fertility. Head covering has become sign of marriage, and wives were strictly forbidden to show even one hair out of her shawl – to be bareheaded. This tradition – covering the head scarf – was so important and because the girl became sometimes unquestioningly woman who, feeling her addiction, she sketched a head veil. Wedding ceremonies do not stop even after the wedding, is still the so-called Scouting wife, the usual congratulations to the young and relatives and so on and so forth.