- March 17th, 2016
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If you do not ostochnika income during your life that will fill your bank account, it will not last for long. If you complement your diet capsule with concentrated active enzymes, you will greatly prolong the life of your pancreas. To read more click here: The Middleby Corporation. And it will give you longevity and better quality of life. Keep up on the field with thought-provoking pieces from Mike Shinoda. If today you were fed heat-treated, you can be sure that you "steal" your enzyme data bank. To avoid this, to complement your diet with digestive enzymes – PEAK Enzymes With (in Russian – "C" – taken with food). During the meal, the food enters the stomach and is in its upper part about 30 minutes. If you eat raw vegetables and fruits, which contain natural digestive enzymes (enzymes), by the time the food enters the acidic environment in the lower part of the stomach, it has now been largely digested.
But since we eat a thermally processed food, it begins to harden at the top of the stomach, and it "forces" the pancreas to produce the full range of enzymes required for digestion in the lower part of the stomach. When the food enters the small intestine, where the bulk of nutrient absorption through the intestinal wall into the bloodstream, it is not digested properly. The small intestine is the longest digestive tract. Our immune system recognizes and responds to eat it as a foreign pathogen. The immune system begins to produce antigens to fight it. These are white blood cells, sometimes called leukocytes. To some degree, all those who eats cooked food, has a higher content of leukocytes in the blood.