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He is the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of past Goya. The award, granted by the Ministry of culture, is endowed with 30,000. Agusti Villaronga, the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of the past Goya, has won the national prize of cinematography, worth 30,000 euros, which granted the Ministry of culture. Villaronga (Palma de Mallorca, 1953), one of the Spanish directors of worship and closer to the notion of Auteur cinema, is known for his enigmatic, frightening or claustrophobic scripts. The jury, whose composition was last on the past day 18 so that she would be joint, has been chaired by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and the audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures, and they have been part of, among others, Imanol Uribe, Josefina Molina and Alex de la Iglesia, awarded last year and previous director of the Film Academy. Without a peer jury was scheduled that the award should be granted on Monday, but legal problems forced its postponement. Specifically, the award was delayed by the lack of parity between men and women on the jury. Therefore, on 20 July, was published in the Official Gazette the new composition of the jury, I preside by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures.

And its members are: Vice President of the Film Academy, Judith Colell; the Josefina Molina Coixet and Ines Paris; the assembler Teresa Font; the screenwriter Soledad Farre and Eva Maria Higueras, by the Federation of artists. The rest of the components of the jury are those who were already expected: Assistant Director-general of the ICAA, Jose Antonio de Ory, who shall exercise Vice President; the President of the Federation of associations of producers audiovisual Spaniards (FAPAE), Pedro Perez and directed by Imanol Uribe. Colell replaces the President of the Film Academy, Enrique Gonzalez Macho, who was one of the original members like Agustin Diaz Yanes, proposed by literary authors of audiovisual media, it has been replaced by Soledad Farre, and Cesar Sanchez Hernandez, whose post occupies Eva Maria Higueras.

Benedict XVI has visited the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, run by the Church. It ensures that society places in doubt the inestimable dignity of life. Several sick and disabled of the Center could converse with the Pontiff. Benedict XVI has been surrounded by this Saturday of the sick and disabled, children and young people who know the face of pain, and has told them that they are the image of God, their prridos, and that life is also great when it bursts into her suffering. The Pope has insisted that the society needs them because they contribute decisively to build the civilization of love, and while in that society too often put in doubt the inestimable dignity of life, of every life. He has been in a simple, spontaneous, emotionally intense ceremony held outdoors, under a sweltering heat, in the gardens of the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, which the brothers of San Juan de Dios hospital order run for more than one century. There, sick, family and workers of This humanitarian institution of the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Pontiff spoke of suffering, of the dignity of human life, created in the image of God, compassion and company. In short, love towards those who suffer most.

All them the Pope has expressed them his closeness and appreciation, reminding them of what you already said in his Encyclical on Christian hope: the greatness of humanity is essentially determined by its relationship with suffering and the suffering. For the Holy Father, a society that is unable to accept those who are suffering and is not able to contribute through compassion that suffering is shared and borne also inwardly, is a cruel and inhumane society. He wrote then and it has been to reiterate. Before, the cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, to welcome the Pope to this institution spoke of a moment, the current one, in which the Gospel of life is not understood by all.

Thermometers will experience increases both Saturday as Sunday. The little clear or cloudy skies will prevail. The wind will blow strong in the Strait. A very warm, from the North of Africa air mass will cause a wave of heat in all Spain during this weekend and early next week, when they will achieve and even surpass 40 degrees Celsius, according to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET). Thus, AEMET, Angel Rivera, spokesman explained that heat wave coupled with a large anticyclonic Ridge height will result in clear skies and long solar heating and will go across the Peninsula from Saturday to Monday. As indicated above, this situation will affect, above all, the peninsular West, downtown, the Valley of the Ebro and the Eastern Cantabrian and that will extend from the Friday afternoon starting from the west peninsular until Monday afternoon, when the arrival of an air fresher is expected from the Northwest. On Tuesday, this decline is It will extend to the other areas. Specifically, he pointed out that this very warm air mass will lead to a general and gradual rise of temperatures, with more intense hikes in the northern half and particularly in the Northwest and some children in the South and Mediterranean coast.

Thus, noted on Saturday is expected to reach temperatures of between 36 and 39 degrees Celsius in the interior of Galicia, West of Castilla y Leon and in the valleys of the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir. He has also added that thermometers will continue climbing on Sunday, either light or moderate (2 to 6 degrees Celsius in the northern half) and a slight (2 degrees Celsius) in the rest of the zones, reaching 38 or 40 degrees Celsius in many parts of the Western half of the country. Rivera has warned that even will be overcome locally 40 centigrade degrees in the interior of Galicia, especially in Ourense, and in the valleys of the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir. In Castilla y Leon is they will reach or exceed 36 C in the rest of Castilla y Leon, the Ebro Valley and Eastern Cantabrian. High temperatures until Monday on Monday kept the temperatures with few changes and a notable decrease in the Northwest and Cantabrian area will start from Tuesday 28 and moderate in the rest of the Western third that will be extended to the rest of the northern half and Centre Wednesday 29. In this context, Rivera points to a very high index of ultraviolet radiation (UVI) will be reached that is expected to reach or even exceed values of 11 in vast areas of the country. Already on Monday, temperatures will remain with a few changes but the 28 Tuesday will begin a very noticeable decline in thermometers, especially in the Northwest and area Cantabrica and moderate in the rest of the Western third. This falling temperatures will extend to the rest of the northern half and the downtown area on Wednesday, June 29. Source of the news: A heat wave will raise temperatures up to 40 degrees centigrade this weekend

It is easy to see him smile. Although this Thursday, in San Marino, near home, where he announced that it will leave the bikes when you finish the Championship, his sympathy joined you certain air of nostalgia. Loris Capirossi (38 years; Bologna, Italy) says goodbye: this will be my last Grand Prix in Italy and Valencia will be the last of my career, it was announced. It has been left at the gates of the hundred of podiums, but he does so much that it became stalled at number 99 – his locker is empty since mid-2008 and its best position this year was a ninth in Catalonia, which has taken the most difficult decision of his career after 324 Grands Prix and 29 victories in 22 seasons. Capirossi, three times world champion (two in 125cc, in 1990 and 1991; and 250cc in 1998), still hold the honor of being the youngest driver to win a title. He did so at 17 years old. Today is MotoGP veteran. Source of the news:: the grandfather of MotoGP announces his goodbye.

The project is budgeted at about 6.5 billion euros. OHL, Cobra (ACS), Renfe, Adif, Copasa, Dimetronic, Indra and Talgo are among the dozen companies forming the group. The Saudi authorities have already communicated its decision to the Spanish Government, in the absence of finalizing some technical details. A group of Spanish companies is emerging as the final successful bidder for the project of construction of the line of high speed (AVE) between Mecca and Medina (Saudi Arabia), a mega-budgeted project in about 6,500 million euros. The Spanish Government has already received a letter of intent from Saudi authorities that they communicate their intention to award a contract, whereby babers is a consortium of French companies, according to sources of the Spanish Consortium to the Spanish group. The Spanish group is composed of a dozen companies, including OHL, Cobra (ACS), Renfe, Adif, Copasa, Dimetronic, Indra and Talgo.

The latter would be responsible supply trains that would circulate through the corridor. According to the same sources, the final award of the project will occur shortly, as soon as the technical fringes of the offer submitted will close. It is a global project ranging from the construction of the platform of the line, about 450 kilometers in length, to the installation of its superstructure (signalling, electrification, telecommunications and security systems), in addition to the supply of the AVE trains and the subsequent maintenance of the corridor. The long journey of the bird of the desert with the awarding of the so-called bird of the desert would end the process of public competition, the Government of the country launched a few years ago, and why business consortiums around the world, another French, one Spanish and two finalists were selected from among those who were interested. In addition, the achievement of this historic project would be an important step in the strategy of internationalization of the bird that promotes the Spanish Government along with the companies under high speed Spanish brand. Within the framework of this strategy numerous countries from all continents have traveled to Spain to learn first hand the AVE, between which it emphasizes United States. The administration of Barack Obama has publicly praised the system of high-speed Spanish and his Secretary of transportation, Ray LHood, has traveled twice to Spain to see it first hand. Currently, Spanish technicians collaborate in development in California that would be first bird of United States.