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Don Juan Carlos supported then of New in his crutch – and Dona Sofia have posed at the table with Zapatero, Bono, red, room and Divar for the print media, in an image that simbolizara the support of senior representatives of the State to this second reform of the Constitution in 33 years from now. Without rrendum precisely the first words he addressed the j Executive to the King after signing both the text have been remembering, smiling, the importance of this second constitutional reform. Before leaving the Palace of Zarzuela, Rodriguez Zapatero and the highest representatives of the Congress, the Senate, the Constitutional Court and the judiciary have conversed with the Kings in tone relaxed for about fifteen minutes in the Hall of audiences. Don Juan Carlos – who sanctioned the Decree of dissolution of courts and elections that Rodriguez Zapatero – presented him Monday with his signature has resumed this week its official activity outside the firm, after surgical intervention which was subjected in the left Achilles tendon the past day 5. Symantha Rodriguez may also support this cause. Constitutional reform to consecrate the budgetary stability of public administrations was approved definitively last day 7 after being endorsed by the Senate with 233 votes in favour of PP, PSOE, PSC and UPN, three against and without that the nationalists were involved in the vote. The change introduced in the Magna Carta was endorsed by the plenary session of the upper House after having rejected mostly 23 amendments of minorities in left and nationalists, including formations which claimed that reform was submitted to rrendum, so that the text to be published in the Official Gazette is the same that Congress ratified the previous week. It’s the second amendment of the Constitution of 1978 after that, in August 1992, article 13 of the Constitution be amended to adapt it to the Maastricht Treaty to allow citizens of other EU countries resident in Spain could attend as candidates in municipal elections. Source of the news: the King punishes the constitutional reform that will try to slow down the deficit of administration.

He is the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of past Goya. The award, granted by the Ministry of culture, is endowed with 30,000. Agusti Villaronga, the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of the past Goya, has won the national prize of cinematography, worth 30,000 euros, which granted the Ministry of culture. Villaronga (Palma de Mallorca, 1953), one of the Spanish directors of worship and closer to the notion of Auteur cinema, is known for his enigmatic, frightening or claustrophobic scripts. The jury, whose composition was last on the past day 18 so that she would be joint, has been chaired by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and the audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures, and they have been part of, among others, Imanol Uribe, Josefina Molina and Alex de la Iglesia, awarded last year and previous director of the Film Academy. Without a peer jury was scheduled that the award should be granted on Monday, but legal problems forced its postponement. Specifically, the award was delayed by the lack of parity between men and women on the jury. Therefore, on 20 July, was published in the Official Gazette the new composition of the jury, I preside by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures.

And its members are: Vice President of the Film Academy, Judith Colell; the Josefina Molina Coixet and Ines Paris; the assembler Teresa Font; the screenwriter Soledad Farre and Eva Maria Higueras, by the Federation of artists. The rest of the components of the jury are those who were already expected: Assistant Director-general of the ICAA, Jose Antonio de Ory, who shall exercise Vice President; the President of the Federation of associations of producers audiovisual Spaniards (FAPAE), Pedro Perez and directed by Imanol Uribe. Colell replaces the President of the Film Academy, Enrique Gonzalez Macho, who was one of the original members like Agustin Diaz Yanes, proposed by literary authors of audiovisual media, it has been replaced by Soledad Farre, and Cesar Sanchez Hernandez, whose post occupies Eva Maria Higueras.

Kept away from the highs reached 374 basis points Tuesday. If you have read about Sonny Perdue already – you may have come to the same conclusion. All European stock markets have closed the day with gains. The Ibex-35 ended in positive with a rise of 0.66% touching 10,000 points. The risk premium on Spain has lived a new seesaw this Wednesday in the markets. He began reaching 322 points and eventually closed down with 307. The differential with the German bond is still affected by the reduction applied to Ireland by Moody s, but remains far from the highs achieved in Eve, above the 374 basis points. After rising on Tuesday until its all-time high since the introduction of the single European currency, the risk premium of Spain, which is measured with the differential between ten-year national bond and the German of the same term, considered the safest in Europe, began the session by 319 basis points and reached up to 322.

Throughout the day relaxing until a minimum daily of 293 basis points, which played to the 12.02 hours. Subsequently, He returned to climb up 315 points to close the day at 307 finally. Therefore, it is a decrease moderate from 314 in which ended Tuesday. The profitability of the Spanish bond to ten years stays at 5,822%, compared to 5,854% Tuesday, while the German rose to 2,748%. The bags also climbing equities markets moved upward and seemed to ignore the new rebate applied to Ireland by Moody s Agency. With regard to the main European stock markets, the Ibex-35 ended in positive with a rise of 0.66% touching 10,000 points, while the Paris CAC won 0.50% and the FTSE in London, 0.64%. Stock market indices in Frankfurt and Milan closed with advances of 1.31% and 1.79%, respectively. However, the reluctance expressed by Germany on new measures of aid to Greece pressed upward the profitability of bonds of peripheral countries. The risk premium on Greece widely surpassed average session the 1,400 basic points of Portugal He rubbed the 1,000 and that of Ireland spent 1,100, whereas that of Italy dated back up 287 basis points. Source of the news: the risk premium on Spain stays in 307 basis points

EP Yachts and Things will appear in the December edition of the famous magazine. The work is described by experts as one of the chapters that were missing the autobiographical novel unfinished answered prayers. She Capote tells a Mediterranean Cruise with various personalities from the famous and high class of the time. A recently discovered work of the American writer Truman Capote in which recounts a Mediterranean Cruise with various personalities from the famous and high class of the era published in Vanity Fair. Yachts and Things, which in Spanish would be literally yachts and things, and which appears in the December issue, is described by experts as one of the chapters that were missing in the autobiographical novel unfinished answered prayers. The manuscript, which seems to be a first draft, was discovered by the editor of Vanity Fair Sam Kashner while conducting an investigation into documents of Capote in prayers answered in the power of the New York public library.

The novel, of which only survive a few chapters, shocked many of the friends of the high society of Capote that it brought to light their often tumultuous and shameful lives. The six-page story narrates a cruise of three weeks for the Mediterranean aboard a friend’s rented yacht. The host, who could be the late Gianni Agnelli, director for a long time the Italian Fiat SpA, cannot join the narrator and Mrs. Williams, probably the editor of the Washington Post, Katharine Graham, after a death in the family. It is the typical Truman, told the magazine the biographer of Capote, Gerald Clarke. The title, Yachts and Things, is in fact the title of one of the chapters that you planned for answered prayers, said Clarke.But that chapter would have been much longer of six pages do not know why it was one of those who was not released.

My guess is that he thought he fell short in some way. Capote shot to fame in 1948 with his first novel, other voices, other worlds, with 23 years. Became famous when moving in the circles of New York high society and by their work breakfast with diamonds and the novel of nonfiction in cold blood, which tells the story of a murder in a rural family in Kansas. He died of liver cancer in 1984 at the home of Los Angeles of Joanne Carson, the ex-wife of entertainer Johnny Carson. * Get all titles by this author in PopularLibros. See more: Vanity Fair will publish an unpublished writing and recently discovered of Truman Capote

The rains have been present this Saturday in several areas of Spain. The storm will give way to a new rise in thermometers. Only the Cantabrian area, Balearic Islands and Catalonia recorded any precipitation this Sunday. Galicia recorded decreases in temperatures in areas where the front has passed. Temperatures will again go up practically in the whole Peninsula, although rains have been present this Saturday in some areas of Spain, mainly in the eastern half and the Balearic Islands, due to a storm.

As explained the spokesperson of the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET), Lola Olmeda, this Saturday a storm has shifted to the Mediterranean resulting in storms and showers. On the contrary, since this Sunday time greatly improves and thermometers will again climb on almost all Spain. Sunday comes the improvement on the other hand, Sunday will bring an improvement in all Spain that will only be affected in the Cantabrian area, where the front It began on Saturday will cause weak rainfall throughout the day. In addition, the storm will not leave Balearic Islands and Catalonia until this Sunday, which will cause any storm or strong downpour. In the rest of the Peninsula will have clear skies. Also, regarding the temperatures will drop in the area of the front that passed through Galicia, Cantabrian current, although they will rise in the rest of Spain. Source of the news: the temperatures climb after rain on Saturday again

Benedict XVI has visited the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, run by the Church. It ensures that society places in doubt the inestimable dignity of life. Several sick and disabled of the Center could converse with the Pontiff. Benedict XVI has been surrounded by this Saturday of the sick and disabled, children and young people who know the face of pain, and has told them that they are the image of God, their prridos, and that life is also great when it bursts into her suffering. The Pope has insisted that the society needs them because they contribute decisively to build the civilization of love, and while in that society too often put in doubt the inestimable dignity of life, of every life. He has been in a simple, spontaneous, emotionally intense ceremony held outdoors, under a sweltering heat, in the gardens of the Fundacion Instituto San Jose, which the brothers of San Juan de Dios hospital order run for more than one century. There, sick, family and workers of This humanitarian institution of the Archdiocese of Madrid, the Pontiff spoke of suffering, of the dignity of human life, created in the image of God, compassion and company. In short, love towards those who suffer most.

All them the Pope has expressed them his closeness and appreciation, reminding them of what you already said in his Encyclical on Christian hope: the greatness of humanity is essentially determined by its relationship with suffering and the suffering. For the Holy Father, a society that is unable to accept those who are suffering and is not able to contribute through compassion that suffering is shared and borne also inwardly, is a cruel and inhumane society. He wrote then and it has been to reiterate. Before, the cardinal Archbishop of Madrid, Antonio Maria Rouco Varela, to welcome the Pope to this institution spoke of a moment, the current one, in which the Gospel of life is not understood by all.

The ancient building, which has never been open to the public, is the most popular monument of Saqara, the great necropolis of what was the city of Memphis, the ancient capital of Egypt. Responsible for the restoration project, the archaeologist Samir Abdel Rauf, warned in statements to the Egyptian press that the suspension of work can result in loosening of the roofing of the pyramid blocks. He said that those stones were fixed on a temporary basis with the use of air pillows (brackets), and that requires a follow-up that there is a sudden drop, since the State of the pyramid before the start of the restoration was lousy. He also recalled the team of experts responsible for the rehabilitation of the Tomb worked under very harsh and dangerous, circumstances because they ran a serious risk of a block fell on them. For its part, the architectural plan and teacher supervisor of the University of Cairo, Hasan Fahmi, considered that the rescue of the step pyramid is a national project, by revenue from tourist visits to the place left in the Treasury.

The deterioration of the monument was due to climatic ctos, of environment and groundwater, as well as other human activities also have damaged it. Explosions in military camps and near Saqara quarries also contributed to mudslides in the pyramid, like previous restorations made without accurate studies, said Fahmi. The j of Egyptian antiquities, who replaced only a few weeks ago the controversial Zahi Hawass leading this key Department, concluded that the preservation of the archaeological monuments is the main priority of your institution. We will work vigorously to have the financial resources, despite the economic circumstances that we are going through. We do not want that the world and history judge us someday as negligent in the restoration of this ancient pyramid, said Abdel Maqsud. Source of the news: the lack of tourists is endangering the pyramid of Djoser, the oldest

The International Monetary Fund, after seven long hours of negotiation with the EU, rejected in the early hours of yesterday releasing the funds of 12,000 million euros for aid to Greece. The Ministers of economy and Finance of the euro zone failed in the attempt to reach an agreement to supply to Greece the fifth tranche of aid committed in May 2010 and who should deliver at the end of June to avoid greater evils. The IMF requires as a condition for giving green light to these funds (in your case, 3.3 billion of the 12,000 in total) the commitment of the eurozone to launch a second rescue plan. In turn, only Germany is willing to participate in aid if the banks agree to pay part of the Bill, and if Athens approves finally new austerity measures. Markets have reacted today to the lack in accordance with sharp falls on the stock exchanges and an upsurge of pressure against the debt of Greece and the rest of the euro, among them Spain peripherals. Source of the news:: Salgado discards the contagion to Spain after the blocking of aid to Greece.

Thermometers will experience increases both Saturday as Sunday. The little clear or cloudy skies will prevail. The wind will blow strong in the Strait. A very warm, from the North of Africa air mass will cause a wave of heat in all Spain during this weekend and early next week, when they will achieve and even surpass 40 degrees Celsius, according to the Agencia Estatal de Meteorologia (AEMET). Thus, AEMET, Angel Rivera, spokesman explained that heat wave coupled with a large anticyclonic Ridge height will result in clear skies and long solar heating and will go across the Peninsula from Saturday to Monday. As indicated above, this situation will affect, above all, the peninsular West, downtown, the Valley of the Ebro and the Eastern Cantabrian and that will extend from the Friday afternoon starting from the west peninsular until Monday afternoon, when the arrival of an air fresher is expected from the Northwest. On Tuesday, this decline is It will extend to the other areas. Specifically, he pointed out that this very warm air mass will lead to a general and gradual rise of temperatures, with more intense hikes in the northern half and particularly in the Northwest and some children in the South and Mediterranean coast.

Thus, noted on Saturday is expected to reach temperatures of between 36 and 39 degrees Celsius in the interior of Galicia, West of Castilla y Leon and in the valleys of the Tagus, the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir. He has also added that thermometers will continue climbing on Sunday, either light or moderate (2 to 6 degrees Celsius in the northern half) and a slight (2 degrees Celsius) in the rest of the zones, reaching 38 or 40 degrees Celsius in many parts of the Western half of the country. Rivera has warned that even will be overcome locally 40 centigrade degrees in the interior of Galicia, especially in Ourense, and in the valleys of the Guadiana and the Guadalquivir. In Castilla y Leon is they will reach or exceed 36 C in the rest of Castilla y Leon, the Ebro Valley and Eastern Cantabrian. High temperatures until Monday on Monday kept the temperatures with few changes and a notable decrease in the Northwest and Cantabrian area will start from Tuesday 28 and moderate in the rest of the Western third that will be extended to the rest of the northern half and Centre Wednesday 29. In this context, Rivera points to a very high index of ultraviolet radiation (UVI) will be reached that is expected to reach or even exceed values of 11 in vast areas of the country. Already on Monday, temperatures will remain with a few changes but the 28 Tuesday will begin a very noticeable decline in thermometers, especially in the Northwest and area Cantabrica and moderate in the rest of the Western third. This falling temperatures will extend to the rest of the northern half and the downtown area on Wednesday, June 29. Source of the news: A heat wave will raise temperatures up to 40 degrees centigrade this weekend

In the remainder of the year, volumes registrations do not improve, while statistical cto in comparison with the same month of last year to bring any positive result. Private channel still shows a very negative, already 14 months of consecutive falls behavior. The descent of this channel already collects 41.2% drop, with 257.361 registrations from January to August. In the month, individuals have been enrolled 6 percent less, with a volume of 26.736 units. If this comparison conducted it to the same period of 2007, the immediately previous financial year before the crisis, the fall of individuals goes up to 60%.

In August, the companies channel registrations have reached 18.224 units, an increase of 30.4%, keeping an increase in the cumulative period of 6.5% and a total of 183.065 units. Rent channel shows in the month an increase of 4.9%, with a volume of 2.264 units, while in the January-August period, the charterers reflect a total enrollment of 127.928 units, an increase of 5.5%. Luis Valero, director general of Anfac, says this situation that the market for passenger cars in Spain followed with a strong atony and stresses that trafficking in public at dealers during the month of August has been practically non-existent, which gives an idea of the seriousness in which the sale of automobiles, one of the main indicators of consumption is.For what is left of the year are not too optimistic, because we don’t see any economic signs of recovery that allows glimpse a real improvement in volumes of registrations, add Valero. According to the President of Ganvam, Juan Antonio Sanchez Torres, is today more than ever required the implementation of a plan of scrapping which take step to a real recovery of registrations and contributes to renew vehicle park, since passenger cars of more than ten years are 42.5 per cent of the total, according to their data. Source of the news: car sales rise for the first time in 14 months