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  • August 11th, 2015
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  • Ted

Of the effective legal point of view, with the Constitution of 1988; of Law 7 716/5/01/89 and Law 9 029 of 13 of April of 1995 Art. 1: ‘ ‘ She is forbidden to the adoption of any practical limiting discriminatory and for access effect the employment relationship, or its maintenance, for reason of sex, origin, race, color, civil state, familiar situation or age ‘ ‘. That is, the Law guarantees rights and forbids any type of discrimination or differentiation for sort reason, race, color, religious creed. But laws are not only enough, are necessary to change all a reality, therefore still it has discrimination and preconceptions that are justified by the ideology, for myths and practical of domination that continues gifts in the economic relations, religious politics and. The ideological, economic vision, religious politics and that only considers right and true the interests of white, rich and powerful men are contrary the will of God and to the Evangelho of the love and the favour; it is unjust, it is against the life, therefore it discriminates, it keeps out of society, violent poor persons, aboriginals and blacks. The resultant violence of racism and the ethnic hatred must all be surpassed the cost. The violence is not only physical.

But intellectual, religious, also emotional. That is, they are related with the social violence, economic politics and. In current Brazil, according to IBGE (Brazilian Institute of Geography and Statistics), descending population afro is more than 48%. Unhappyly, many people believe, defend and nail the destructive determinismo, the conformismo, the destruction of the other as a right that God granted to it. Others still justify, accept that the things happen and are same thus since the creation of the world. The violence, the poverty, the suffering, the discrimination finishes being accepted without no questioning and as excuse of that ‘ ‘ who was God wanted assim’ ‘. It also has the ones that, of certain form, Gods make responsible for the evil, the violence, the disrespect to the life because It was who created and determined everything. The forms of destruction, domination of ones justify all on the others, all the violncias practised for the men as destination.

However, the Christian Church and all the engaged people as Kingdom of God and with the promise of Christ ‘ ‘ I came so that all have life and life in abundncia’ ‘ (Jo 10,10), they cannot leave of side its predictive mission to announce possibilities of a new world and to make deceptive denunciations when treated, powerful workmanships of and the greedy ones try to justify its action that generate poverty, unemployment, hunger, injustices and that they go multiplying violncias, wars, pains and deaths. Our paper is to fight for the identity, therefore God in them created all equal ones and as Martin Luther King said: ‘ ‘ We have learned to fly as the birds, to swim as the fish, but not yet we learn the sensible art of living as irmos’ ‘.