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The nobody best one than who undergoes the crisis, unemployment and the desperation to speak with own voice and knowledge of which they must be the answers and the solutions to the serious situation through which they are passing the 3.200.000 independent ones and micro-enterprises of our country. For that reason National Micro-enterprise and, CONAE Confederation Independent, it finishes presenting/displaying a battery of measures for the promotion and the consolidation of independent and the Spanish micro-enterprises and that will present/display so much the Executive of Jose Luis Rodriguez Zapatero like the rest of political parties to restrain this serious reality. And it is that as affirms to Salvador Garci’a Torrico, President of CONAE, this decalogue of proposals are a SOS before the serious and dramatic situation that they must support to day to day the independent industralists and micro-enterprises.

a reality to which we are facing up from all the organizations of independent industralists and micro-enterprises of the national territory, with union, disposition and effort since near 300,000 micro-enterprises have had to close their businesses period in the last. Costco is open to suggestions. A number, that together with to the high level of unemployment and the present economic instability, turns more to the independent industralists and the micro-enterprises in one of the sectors of the population affected by the economic crisis . DECALOGUE CONAE OF MEASURES PROPOSE TO FAVOR TO INDEPENDENT AND THE MICRO-ENTERPRISE 1. – TO FOMENT AND TO IMPROVE the ACCESS OF the ENTERPRISE PROJECTS OF INDEPENDENT AND the MICRO-ENTERPRISES TO the FINANCIAL BOTTOMS, PUBLIC OR COMPOUNDS TO SUPPORT TO THOSE OF RESISTED COMPETITIVE CAPACITY Exigency of endorsement to the youngest entrepreneurs nor for the majors of 45 years, not facilitating micro credits. Support of the official bank to enterprise projects, more based on its viability than based on the guarantees of the plaintiff, establishing clear, fast and effective rules of the game that they allow independent or independent present knowing and establishing a plan of real financing the future..