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In the matter of choice of financial consultant role played word of mouth – recommendations of friends. Communicate with experts, we agreed to meet. I note that a convenient time and place of the consultant proposed to choose me. During the conversation, I asked to review the information for several funds, which are partners of a company providing financial advisory services. Impression that in front of me sits primary school teacher, which is extremely clear, laying out everything on the shelves, says student (me) all the nuances: from plus to minus, and it is very important: all the words of my consultant supported by statistical data or, more correctly, performance of several funds at the same time period. Therefore, the decision really was not so difficult. Yes and fill in all necessary documents and sign a contract under the strict guidance professional was a simple affair. Most of me as a user's personal financial services consultant struck free base of this service.

"We live with commissions from the partners from the sale of financial product. Note that when we do not value increases the cost of the product itself. And do not fear that working on this principle, our personal financial advisors are trying to sell the service more profitable for themselves than for the client. They do not feel the difference between the commissions, as conditions of most companies are very similar. In addition, the consultants are set to long-term relationships with clients, and they understand that a satisfied customer will tell about their positive experiences of ten friends, and dissatisfied with – fifty.