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TuDu! Energy seminar cabaret helps companies energy costs save Vienna, September 16, 2008 – TuDu! Energy seminar cabaret helps companies energy costs save the TuDu! Energ! SEM! nar Cabaret is a joint product of economy cabaret artists of SemiNarren ( and the sattler energy consulting. While the semi fools humor expertise providing that, energy charge the sattler is consulting for the all-important content on this topic. “Often companies have already implemented all technical measures, to increase energy efficiency. Another improvement is achievable only through a modified energy behavior of the staff”, says Peter Sattler, Managing Director at the same energy consulting firm, from the school. “The savings potential through conscious action of up to 15 percent.” This classic access lectures or training not very goal leader, is to digest but because little motivating and thus also not easy. “So our idea to combine the seminars with Cabaret”, was so Sattler. Because in the face of rising energy costs is any Manager clearly that the benefit of savings potential is the order of the day. For sustainable success of a company’s employees must pull with but, Sattler.

The semi fools as a congenial partner found a congenial partner for the idea of an energy seminar in the semi fools. This economic cabaret group around ex-EAV husband Mario Bottazzi has extensive experience and best success with design and implementation of really bulky economic issues by means of cabaret. “The idea immediately really liked me. The cabaret shaking up participants, it opens hearts and minds, so to speak, while the lectures on the individual topics then the transfer of know-how”, so upper semi fool Mario Bottazzi. The “TuDu!”-Energ! SEM! nar base of ENERG! SEM! TuDu is Cem!. It combines sketches, famous songs and important information on energy-related issues we efficiency, compressed air, light, standby or thermography. Depending on the requirements and wishes of the customer, the program will then individually adjusted. The situation of the each operation is included and creates a detailed training concept before it starts. Surprisingly, you’ll find very little mention of WhiteWave Foods on most websites.

Seminar cabaret will be here not primarily educational, but show weaknesses when dealing with valuable energy in a funny way and draw attention to hitherto-hidden strengths. The staff then of course not only in the company, but also at home and in the private sector can apply the energy knowledge learned in humorous manner – because there the savings potential is still enormous. Target group of the TuDu! energy cabarets are mainly medium-sized and large enterprises.