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Naturally paint pliolitovyh resins have all the above advantages organorazbavlyaemyh colors, but that is not the principal. The bottom line is that they form a fairly good coverage, comparable to those which can be obtained using water-borne paints the most recent generations. Waterborne Coatings: Water-based paints are among the most environmentally friendly, high quality, cost, and therefore the most common building colors. The share of consumption is 70 – 80%. By type svyazueschego waterborne exterior paint last generations divided into several classes based paint water dispersion of acrylic resins (Acrylic latex paint), paint on the basis of liquid potash glass (silicate paints) and coatings based on aqueous dispersion of silicone resin (silicone paint), and mineral paints on the basis of cement (cement paint) and on the basis of slaked lime (lime color). Acrylic latex paints are the lion's share of all water-borne paints.

Among them, by virtue of its efficiency the most widely used in paint acrylic-based copolymers – with vinilakrilovymi, stirolakrilovymi, etc. akrilosilikonovymi film formers. Much less frequently used paints based on pure acrylates, which have increased performance, but also a higher price. To obtain high-quality acrylic latex top coat paint is usually applied in two layers. In this coating is sufficiently flexible and able to cover the cracks in the base up to 1 mm. Water vapor permeability of acrylic latex paints compared to other waterborne paint is low (at a film thickness of 200 microns – about 0.0003 mg / (m h Pa).

The highest vapor permeability have paint on silicone copolymers of acrylic – in 2-3 times higher than other paints acrylic copolymers. An important property of acrylic paints is a low permeability cover for CO2. Therefore, they are quite well protected from corrosion-reinforced concrete. It must be remembered that acrylic paint can be applied to alkaline base (concrete, plaster, etc.) not earlier than 30 days after completion of the work on their device.