Thirty2 Degrees

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To measure and to control the audibility of the sound, the deciblica scale was created, with unit of measure the decibel. The addition of the intensities in this scale is not linear. The comfortable ideal to the human being is sounds up to 60 dB. From this 120 index one becomes bothering and above of dB initiates the painful threshold. ASPECTS PSICOFSICOS: IT AUSCULTATES AND ANOMALIES OF the HEARING It auscultates Is one of the important aspects of the hearing, either with estetoscpio or not. The sounds and noises of auscultate are in the limit of the audibility, for being of low frequency and weak intensity.

The common sounds of auscultate are: bulhas cardiac, the pulmonary blows and noises and of the circulation and the sounds of Korotkov in the taking of the arterial pressure. Anomalies of the Hearing Can be grouped in two general groups: Deafness of conduction and nervous deafness. In the conduction deafness it has blockage in the external auditory canal, or injuries in the spandrel or ossculos. It can occur for simple causes as blockage in the meato for cerume or incrusted purulentas secretions, or still, causes serious as injuries in the ossculos, caused for traumas, for example. In the nervous deafness it has injuries in the cclea or the tico nerve. This type is more serious, therefore it can result of infections that destroy the cclea. This can occur for antibiotic use. In this in case that, the injuries for medicines are irreversible.

DIAGNOSISING ANOMALIES OF the HEARING tests and examinations Exist that verify and differentiate the types of deafness in very efficient way. Amongst them, we can cite: test of Weber, test of Rinne, test of the diapaso and test of orelhinha. Test of Weber: A vibrant diapaso is placed in the sagittal plan in contact with certifies to verify both the ears. Test of Rinne: The vibrant diapaso is placed on the apophysis of the weather.

Delay of language: it is a common antecedent. Some had arrived to consider that it is about a constant problem, but not apparent, being disclosed in fact for the suplemental difficulties inherent to the reading. Upheavals of lateralizao: the studies show that the frequency of left-handed children and children badly lateralizadas would be understood between 30 and 50% between the dislxicas children. Upheavals of space-weather organization: the confusions between letters of identical, but inverted forms in the space (p-q, b-d), and the difficulties to catch the spontaneous rhythm of the phrase are in the origin of the hypothesis concerning a disturbance of the organization of the space and time in the dislxicas children. Its incapacity described to reproduce the perceived rhythmic structures in the hearing, as well as its sufficiently frequent errors in the orientation right-left. SIGNALS OF DISLEXIA As Estill (2005) exist diverse visible signals in the behaviors and notebooks of the children, who can assist to the parents and educators precociously to identify to some preditivos aspects of dislexia indicating Signals of dislexia: the difficulty to read, to write and to spell reveals for different difficulties in each etria and academic band. In the Daily pay-School, daily pay-alfabetizao can be observed: delayed acquisition of speaks, constantly wrong pronunciation of some syllables, slow growth of vocabulary, problems in following routines, difficulty in learning colors, numbers and copying its proper name, lack of ability for fine motor tasks (to button, to moor shoe), not to obtain to tell a history known in correct sequence, not to memorize names or symbols, difficulties in catching a ball. At the beginning of basic education – Alfabetizao the identified difficulties more: it speaks, to learn the alphabet, planning and motor execution of letters and numbers, hold of the pencil, fine motricidade and corporal project, to separate and to seqenciar sounds (former: p-a-t it), auditory abilities you rhyme, to discriminate fonemas of similar sounds: t/d; g/j; p/b.), differentiation of letters with spatial orientation: d/b; d/p small graphical differences: e/a; j/i; n/m; u/v, secular orientation (yesterday, today, tomorrow, months of the year), spatial orientation (diffuse lateralidade, confuses right and left, under and on) execution of the cursiva letter.

The basic point of the proposal theoretician-metodolgica to work swimming in the perspective of the corporeidade is to promote the development of sensitivity and the corporal perception, allowing the person if to know first, having notion of its proper body, its limits, its possibilities. The learning of the swimming, based on the corporeidade, has the following conception: a learning in which the movements are not preset, given as ready. The corporeidade says respect to the humanizao of the citizen, so that this comes to be an citizen-asset and not object-liabilities of history and the culture. Exemplificamos such proposal: 1. Corporal project: For Merleau-Ponty (2000), the body is not only one thing, but yes, something that if moves, that it perceives and that is perceived, that touches and is touched, capable of if relating with the world and to exteriorizar its sensitivity. The corporal project is the conscience of the body and the conscience of the world, that is, a trans-space unit and trans-weather. It is the representation that the person has of the proper body, in a certain space, a certain time. In the corporal project the elements are involved.

2. Space structure: For Merleau-Ponty (2000) the space is the way as we are affected, rude data of our constitution human being, it is relative to our body. He is not finite and nor infinite. It is the conscience of our body in an environment, a certain place and orientation that we can have in relation to the people and the things. 3. Secular orientation: For Merleau-Ponty (2000) the time cannot be represented as a concept. Our proposal, is not to imprison the corporal experience in the exactness of the clock, but on the other hand, we cannot deny its existence. We can develop some forms of perception of the time, by means of the contact of the body with the water, therefore we know that in the half liquid the movements become slower, due to resistance of the same one.

  • March 19th, 2013
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  • Ted

Many children are inteligentssimas to put for having learning riots make look like to be pssimos pupils. Therefore they feel shames of its difficulties and they finish for abandoning the isolated school and if of its friends. Many parents due to knowledge of what she is dislexia if envergonha to have a dislxico son and prevents to deal with this problem, this is lamentable, therefore children dislexia who receive treatment adequate can surpass this riot this treatment can be made in sets family and pedagogical body of the school. Specialists affirm that for cases of dislexia acquired they look to signals indirect right-handers or that confirm its opinions that such difficulties are caused by a damage in the brain. This two signals classify in signals right-handers that are the physical damages: that they are cerebral injuries, disclosed research that an operation or autopsies shows that injuries can exist celebrate or hemorrhage as an embolism.

The indirect signals are presented irregular that if summarize in abnormal people, or difficulties in the coordination or orientation in the vision or the tato. It is necessary to delimit the questions that will be argued e, at the same time, to extend the possibilities of intuition, affection of experience human being, life, time, space. (Padilha. 2007. p.03) Figure 01 Mostra the Comparison of a Normal Brain and the Brain of a Dislxico Source: (small jobs., access in 25/02/11) In figure 01 we see a brain without dislexia without nor an injury the area left inferior frontal of the brain and what it transforms fonemas and also responsible for the language of it says this area it helps the person to pronounce the words in I silence or high voice and area of the brain that has the function to transmit fonemas. In the left region perieto-weather which analyzes the words for its definitions to be transformed into writings are in this area that the words are divide in syllabify and fonemas and associates in adequate sounds to be assimilated.

  • March 01st, 2013
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  • Ted

But I'm still a person. I can not do everything, but I can do something. I will not refuse to do "something" I can do. "(HK)" The night of blindness has its wonders. The night of ignorance and insensitivity is the only impenetrable darkness. Misfortune of the blind is immense, irreparable.

But it deprives us share with our fellow altruistic action, friendship, humor, imagination and wisdom. "(HK). Helen is an example of wanting to make some differences based on their abilities rather than disabilities, will always be an example of what he achieved, done and the example that brings constancy. Few will remember what I could not achieve due to their disabilities. "You have to live by learning to recognize what is good in the bad and what is wrong with the good" if we base our lives so we do not have, we will always be people with deficiencies, if we base our chances and potential will be full persons, made capable of being and giving. "Learn to see the child as he is, love of truth is the principle of all education, not mean that we will limit our beliefs that they can achieve or Gd forbid you to limit, because of our own limitations. "Too many people consider us a phenomenon strange. When we walk around, stare at us as if we were a freak. For me, being disabled is like being in jail, but my chair (wheel) is like a window through which I can show my face to the sun.