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The most popular discs for vehicles today are light-alloy wheels of metals. They are divided into two types – a light alloy wheels and forged. Alloy wheels are usually made of magnesium alloys and aluminum. Forged in Essentially, all made from the same materials, but a very different way. Forged wheels are produced by hot pressing, and then go through the process of artificial aging and hardening.

Worldwide, it is considered that Forged wheels – an advantage wealthy car owners. And this is true, but in Russia there are several companies who have inherited the expensive equipment from the Soviet era, and yet they can afford production of relatively cheap forged wheels, which differ in price from western counterparts in several times. Because of technology, these discs is a little lighter than the cast, but they are much stronger, less brittle and quite suitable for repair. In the bumps, these discs do not break or crack and warp. But it is precisely this strength and is a minus forged wheels. For example, hitting the hole, the drive will not blow over, and pass it suspension, is clearly not designed for such loads. Designs and different shapes that appear when you select cast wheels, forged wheels have not found. This is due to the fact that the manufacture of molds for them are extremely expensive.

In general, the forged wheels is the best option, which combines the advantages of steel and alloy wheels. But just such an important consumer characteristics such as price, makes for many, this drive is extremely expensive pleasure, because it exceeds the price of light alloy wheels in a few times. Also, it is sometimes difficult to distinguish yourself from forging casting. There are only a few indirect signs. Of course, the most common way of marking a difference. Private labeling for Forged Wheels – impressed, while alloy wheels – convex (spilled). ts on the topic. Typically, this method is one of the most reliable, because labeling is associated with a feature of production, but if the disks are made to order or tuning shop, these symptoms can vary. Forged wheels are indicated by the manufacturer FORGED, and cast CAST. But these signs are rarely applied to the disk itself, and in cases of production CD in China, or Turkey may be instances of just such application on the disc surface. Another sign of the difference between a disk shape and weight, the drive will be harder to cast wrought, but only if the quality of foreign goods, Russian drives for virtually the same weight. The form is in forged wheels, due to their special handling and a smooth point. Well, another sign of the difference is – the price. A good quality forged disc foreign production, the cast is much more expensive. In any case, the choice of wrought or cast disc for the car, purely personal decision. After all, the real characteristics of the disc depend on the precision technology and quality of the alloy. From the point of security is much better to buy a proven quality alloy wheels, forged than unknown quality.

  • January 31st, 2020
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Representatives of the International Olympic Committee was informed that the forthcoming meeting in Beijing will discuss the possible termination of the Olympic torch relay. At the 6-day torch relay in London were the first shares protest because of 'Tibet issue'. In demonstrations, denouncing the policies of the Chinese authorities in relation to Tibet, attended by more than 2,5 thousand people. The protesters tried to take the torch from tv presenter Connie Huck, and two more Activists want to extinguish the flames of the fire extinguisher. In the hands of protesters held Chinese authorities banned the Tibetan blue and red flags with the Rising Sun. Among the other calls – "Stop the killings in Tibet ',' Tibet is not the Olympics "," China lies, people die. " London Fire Summer Olympic Games in 2008 went to Paris.

Numerous protests supporters of Tibetan independence was nearly thwarted Paris stage Olympic torch relay, forcing organizers several times to interrupt the ceremony and cut its route. An hour after the start of the torch relay and was extinguished at all "technical reasons" and remained unlit 20 minutes. The way the Olympic flame guarded by about 3 thousand police officers. The Paris relay was the last step in the journey the Olympic torch through Europe, the torch went by plane to San Francisco. Before arrival of the Torch San Francisco supporters of independence for Tibet staged at the famous bridge, the Golden Gate.

Three people climbed on the rope bridge and hung posters on it and the flag of Tibet. Police had to partially shut movement of vehicles. Responsibility for the incident and the action in Paris and London took over the organization Students for a Free Tibet. " Olympics 2008 will begin in Beijing on August 8. Delivered in the Beijing fire on April 1 began its journey around the world. A total of 2008 Olympic torch relay to be overcome about 137 thousand kilometers. On the territory of China Olympic torch should return in early May, after which he will be the way to 113 cities of 31 provinces of China. A total complexity in the torch relay will involve over 21 thousand torchbearers.

  • January 31st, 2020
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And in solitude there rather than solitude without River. Rafael Alberti. I think it would solve my emotional state with my existential autoexilio. Quite the contrary, the only thing that was getting is that because of my attitude manifested my selfishness towards others. And is that not us We realize how much damage we do to persons taking refuge us in our own pain. Anyway, I tell them the following anecdote where you will find the magic words that changed the course of my life. Other leaders such as Jack Fusco offer similar insights.

My mother and I we were at a friend’s House. Invaded me a terrible melancholy and I lost control of myself; I guess that by tiredness and a desperate and loving attempt to my mother for helping me told me:-If you do not want to live, die; I’m tired. Believe it or not, they have been the most sweet and beautiful words that I could have said. I was in a State of impasse and little by little I was assimilating words. At that time which reached a balance (albeit incidental), mental and emotional, I asked help to my family with the heart. Fortunately I had a favorable response to my request. I promised to live living and if anything, any doubt, he spent the following: while in treatment and travel by Oaxaca, had an accident that reinforced my love for life.

And with the passage of the years I’ve soaked in wisdom and magic. I live, live and live. I dump my vista to the past through so many words, ideas, and experiences written on sheets with ink of my own handwriting, and fills me with joy and satisfaction to realize how I have been evolving and transforming me day by day. It was a wise decision to have written my pain, with the perspective of time I realized how man seeks to find meaning to life, projecting their future and not viewing the present. Willpower is at the moment, in the full decision to change. The sickly emotional anchor is a panacea. Everything is in the here and now. Maybe we don’t realize it because we are possibly cloud our mind. Believe it or not, but there something that makes us change comes. In my case it was with that strange and unexpected expression of my mother. How it can you happen? We do not know. To do this we must be in an attitude of perception, mentality and open heart, to really change. There are many resources for this, for example, recently were talks about the phenomenon of the law of attraction. For some works, for others not. Why does this happen? Simple. The capacity for assimilation and response to each who have about such a situation or external and internal tool that can generate us a change. And that does not arrive late or early, only arrives. Do you to come? Original author and source of the article

What happens at a college that is decorated with the label ‘Applied Sciences’? Clearly, this is research. But above all, research is applied here. Additional information at Sonny Perdue supports this article. Munich. The 11.6. it is so far: adhibeo, the Wissenschaftsblog of the Hochschule Fresenius, is launched.

Under corporations and journalists through interesting articles can click science-interested, students, dealing with current topics of in applied science. In the blog’s very popular Wissenschaftsblogs pitch and tried to prepare complex scientific content understandable and using everyday examples to explain. adhibeo takes all operations at the Hochschule Fresenius, which take place in the context of applied sciences, more precisely under the magnifying glass. For example, the theses of students or the results of student projects fall into this category. Also the content of guest lectures, discussion rounds, or scientific publications are discussed here. The focus of the blog: questions of applicability scientific content the Hochschule Fresenius as a University of applied sciences it applies a differentiated understanding of Science: the focus of scientific works, which arise at the Hochschule Fresenius, is always on the applicability of scientific knowledge.

So it goes in student projects about to change the marketing strategy of the Agency on the basis of an empirical study, in theses to the transfer of organisation-theoretical considerations on the controlling system of a company and in scientific publications to the backgrounds of consumption decisions. All these findings have added value for the practice so it is important to draw attention to them. adhibeo to make this task. In addition, the blog is a platform where students and professionals can offer scientifically sound opinions and share experiences. Current events are addressed and scientifically lit. Explains marketing expert Jurgen Jacob, Professor of marketing & Retail at the Hochschule Fresenius, at the start of the blog what you all must take into account when planning and designing a flagship store. Also student experiences in the field of applied sciences will also be addressed: Bettina Frost, graduate of economic psychology at the University of Cologne, Fresenius reported at the beginning of how she succeeded, around 1000 to ask people for their bachelor’s thesis. The members of the College itself decide what topics on the (blog)-table,: no matter whether students, Lecturerwood or partners each may its proposal submit! Heard about the Hochschule Fresenius Hochschule Fresenius with about 8,000 students and vocational technical students to the largest and most prestigious private universities in Germany. approved founded and since 1971 as a State-owned University of applied sciences in privately acknowledged 1848 as Chemisches Laboratorium Fresenius’, the Hochschule Fresenius today maintains offices in Cologne, Hamburg, Munich, Idstein, Frankfurt and Berlin, as well as Study centres in Dusseldorf and Zwickau. 2010 institutional accreditation was carried out by the Science Council. In the departments of chemistry & biology, health & Social Affairs, business & media and design training, study and training opportunities will be true here. The four departments with their seven schools offer also in-service and accompanying training (dual) courses in addition to Bachelor’s and master’s programmes in full time. Hochschule Fresenius sets up a tight unit of research, teaching and practice and research in the departments of chemistry & biology (Institute for analytical research), health & Social Affairs (motion lab), business & media (Institute of health economics, Media Management Institute, Institute of energy economics) as well as design. More information under:

Any driver once got into a bad situation as an accident. And this was not always guilty, and again not always be protected from errors of traffic police. Therefore, for successful completion of the dispute with the traffic police is important to observe several simple advice, as well as to a lawyer. Here are some simple tips to the driver, who got into an accident, an attorney from the Nizhny Novgorod Ermakova: 1. When injected into the accident victim is the least of all should be reported immediately to the post Traffic police of the accident occurred.

It is necessary to describe as accurately as possible emergency situation. You also need to contact your personal attorney if you have it. 2.Po opportunity to provide first medical assistance to the victims, as well as before the arrival of traffic police officers to keep an emergency situation. 3.Voditel be possible to map an accident, write down the names and contact information of eyewitnesses. (Information witnesses help in the future to defend his innocence in the case of a lawyer disputes with traffic police.) If you need to remove the car from the road, you must first need to put the scheme drawn up over time and allow witnesses to sign. 4.Postradavshy driver must not leave any receipts, a written commitment on the spot, because it is in a state of stress and inadequate assessment of the situation. It is unwise to succumb to the entreaties of the other participant accident did not cause traffic police officers, even if he promises compensation for material damage in the future. The driver must follow the correct registration of traffic police records of road accidents: a) Protocol inspection of the accident, and b) a scheme of control and crash test protocol drivers for sobriety, and c) protocol testing and inspection of the vehicle, d) a reference to an accident, and e) an explanation of the incident and participants of the witnesses; f) report on the admission of evidence if the driver needs to protect their rights, it must refer to a professional lawyer

How much he is each had that is to say itself? Molecular Biology has removed this question from the land of the psychoanalysis. Who decides to read his DNA will know the own risk of suffering cancer, Alzheimer and another ten of diseases – that yes, the reliability will depend on whom tests and interprets. The investigation than happens in the cells has generated a new test: a test that measures the biological age. A blood sample is enough to know if it is older or young than it says the national identity document. Frivolity? The advertising hook of the last magical therapy antiage? The scientific community nondoubt of its seriousness, although some investigators yes of its utility. For it is a door to the medicine of the future; for others, a product left the laboratories prematurely. We test. Source of the news: : Wants to know how much it has left?

  • January 24th, 2020
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PROJECT PEDAGOGICAL POLITICIAN AND AUTONOMY OF the SCHOOL In accordance with interpolated proposition 1, Art. 12, of LDB 9394/96, the educational establishments, respected the common norms and of its system of education, will have the incumbency to elaborate and to execute its proposal pedagogical. In this direction, this work has the primordial objective to promote reflections on as the proposal pedagogical of each school has been executed, the project pedagogical politician is many times carried through as mere formality, without the concern with the collective construction, as its improvement, aiming at the true knowledge on the pertaining to school community, for in such a way must be taken in consideration, the population that constitutes each unit, its characteristics, especificidades. The bureaucratic requirement, leads most of the time to the writing, or even though to the copy of previous projects; without the minimum concern to adjust them it the reality of the school, that dumb the all instant, as well as the social world, requirements, technology, the society and the culture. still, can be said that professors, much less the community, between them, parents and pupils, at least arrive to know such document, what it is a pity, therefore are by means of it that he becomes and if constructs the unit and this must go of meeting to the expectations of all the participants, expressing the objectives, the yearnings, the especificidades and characteristics of its coadjuvantes, with regard to the education and the quality of the offered education. The school, has in its hands, although the legal requirements, norms and lines of direction to be followed, a tool importantssima and of extreme necessity, to the exercise practical of its autonomy, the Project Pedagogical Politician, where each educational establishment, establishes goals, objectives to be reached, however for in such a way it becomes essential the knowledge and the participation of that in it they intervene direct or indirectly..

The result of the survey is to provide expert opinion – contains recommendations for future operation of the facility, and the reasons for the ban on the operation, the need for reconstruction, capital repair of buildings or structures. Survey and examination of buildings and structures carried out in accordance with the following legal documents: sp 13-102-2003; rd 22-01.97; snip 2.01.07-85 *, snip 2.02.01-83 *, snip 3.03.01-87, snip 3.01.04-87 etc. Building expertise: target goal, which poses a construction expertise is the creation of a coherent picture of the present technical condition of the inspected object. Examination reveals all of the current shortcomings of construction structures, both explicit and implicit, such as: cracks on walls, break or fracture of bearing structures, corrosion of embedded parts; strain slabs and others. The need for construction expertise occurs when the following situations: 1.kapitalny repair or reconstruction of buildings; 2.sostavlenie act of damage in an accident (flood, fire, collapse, etc.); 3.provedenie assessment examination before buying or selling an object property; 4.pri analyzing the causes of major strain and load-bearing structures (walls, ceilings, columns, etc.); 5.pri periodic evaluation and monitoring of technical state of the object. Inspection of buildings and structures: phases. Conventionally, examination of buildings and structures can be divided into three phases, which are interrelated and equivalent in importance. The first stage is preparatory, and is conducting preliminary site survey. Complexity and importance of the first stage is that now need to collect all the background information, including technical documents, passports, certificates of previous audits, requirements (if any) of the scheme of alterations and reconstruction (if performed) in the inspected object.

  • January 24th, 2020
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Coaching a systemic perspective, a new approach to learning a The teaching there, there is only learning from the dialogue Socrates direct.At the a Cuando was playing better, I was not trying to control my shots with auto instructions and evaluation. I saw the ball clearly, chose where I wanted to paste it, and let it happen. Surprisingly, the blows were more controlled when not trying controlarlos.a a Tim Gallwey's carriage Kocs: coaching icon a Between the XV and XVI Kocs Hungarian town, situated some 70 km. Budapest, became a must for travel between this city and Vienna. On these trips began to use a carriage with a unique suspension system. This system allowed to go faster with more stability. Allowed the acceleration process of the carriage, make the horses run faster, change them more often or strengthened, could be done without losing balance. Secretary of Agriculture is the source for more interesting facts. Thus, soon Kocs spoke of the carriage, – kocsi szeker Hungarian, "as symbol of excellence in the function of transporting people from one place to another.

The term passed into Spanish as kocsi car, and Kutsche German, Italian and Cocchio …. The English word coach, a is therefore of Hungarian origin. It meant a horse-drawn covered vehicle to transport people. Metaphorically, the coaching also transports people from one place to another. On where they are where they want to go. a As the etymology of the very significant coaching role, the symbol of excellence a carruaje of Kocsa can be a coaching icon. a The all-time coaching to any theory about the origins of coaching and essentially uses the figure of Socrates as a reference.

He is the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of past Goya. The award, granted by the Ministry of culture, is endowed with 30,000. Agusti Villaronga, the director of Pa negre, the most awarded film of the past Goya, has won the national prize of cinematography, worth 30,000 euros, which granted the Ministry of culture. Villaronga (Palma de Mallorca, 1953), one of the Spanish directors of worship and closer to the notion of Auteur cinema, is known for his enigmatic, frightening or claustrophobic scripts. The jury, whose composition was last on the past day 18 so that she would be joint, has been chaired by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and the audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures, and they have been part of, among others, Imanol Uribe, Josefina Molina and Alex de la Iglesia, awarded last year and previous director of the Film Academy. Without a peer jury was scheduled that the award should be granted on Monday, but legal problems forced its postponement. Specifically, the award was delayed by the lack of parity between men and women on the jury. Therefore, on 20 July, was published in the Official Gazette the new composition of the jury, I preside by the director general of the Institute of cinematography and Audiovisual Arts (ICAA), Carlos pictures.

And its members are: Vice President of the Film Academy, Judith Colell; the Josefina Molina Coixet and Ines Paris; the assembler Teresa Font; the screenwriter Soledad Farre and Eva Maria Higueras, by the Federation of artists. The rest of the components of the jury are those who were already expected: Assistant Director-general of the ICAA, Jose Antonio de Ory, who shall exercise Vice President; the President of the Federation of associations of producers audiovisual Spaniards (FAPAE), Pedro Perez and directed by Imanol Uribe. Colell replaces the President of the Film Academy, Enrique Gonzalez Macho, who was one of the original members like Agustin Diaz Yanes, proposed by literary authors of audiovisual media, it has been replaced by Soledad Farre, and Cesar Sanchez Hernandez, whose post occupies Eva Maria Higueras.