- March 29th, 2013
- General
- Ted
To measure and to control the audibility of the sound, the deciblica scale was created, with unit of measure the decibel. The addition of the intensities in this scale is not linear. The comfortable ideal to the human being is sounds up to 60 dB. From this 120 index one becomes bothering and above of dB initiates the painful threshold. ASPECTS PSICOFSICOS: IT AUSCULTATES AND ANOMALIES OF the HEARING It auscultates Is one of the important aspects of the hearing, either with estetoscpio or not. The sounds and noises of auscultate are in the limit of the audibility, for being of low frequency and weak intensity.
The common sounds of auscultate are: bulhas cardiac, the pulmonary blows and noises and of the circulation and the sounds of Korotkov in the taking of the arterial pressure. Anomalies of the Hearing Can be grouped in two general groups: Deafness of conduction and nervous deafness. In the conduction deafness it has blockage in the external auditory canal, or injuries in the spandrel or ossculos. It can occur for simple causes as blockage in the meato for cerume or incrusted purulentas secretions, or still, causes serious as injuries in the ossculos, caused for traumas, for example. In the nervous deafness it has injuries in the cclea or the tico nerve. This type is more serious, therefore it can result of infections that destroy the cclea. This can occur for antibiotic use. In this in case that, the injuries for medicines are irreversible.
DIAGNOSISING ANOMALIES OF the HEARING tests and examinations Exist that verify and differentiate the types of deafness in very efficient way. Amongst them, we can cite: test of Weber, test of Rinne, test of the diapaso and test of orelhinha. Test of Weber: A vibrant diapaso is placed in the sagittal plan in contact with certifies to verify both the ears. Test of Rinne: The vibrant diapaso is placed on the apophysis of the weather.